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YAPS goes where no other skin has gone before

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1 hour ago, Squeller said:

Thanks! Also (it's rather rare) if ARTIST is not set - but ALBUM ARTIST. It should display that one. IDK honestly if it is Yaps responsibility though. 


I'll admit this would be nice, but it is not a standard practice to not set the ARTIST field. IN my experience I have found it much more common to find users that have not included the ALBUMARTIST field.

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Any news on updating for the latest PA build elements, or do you still need resource info? It would be nice to visually connect the new miniplayer seekbar with the style of the one on the main player screen, support Max's new background colour options, and re-centre the Title/Artist-Album lines.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest Release

Compiled against Poweramp-build-956-uni.apk
Note: This is a significant update so if you have any issues, please get in touch by email
You will need to adjust the items for your preferred layout

- New functionality added to allow users to change layout
  move seekbar, waveseek, spectrum,  buttons and metadata up or down
  Fine Tune > Move Objects....
- Styling of new lyrics components
- additional navbar background colors- User request


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I can't see how to adjust the vertical position of the counter and total-durarion fields on the player screen. Also, the centering of the Title/Artist-Album lines still seems slightly too far to the right.



Is it possible to change the look of the new seekbar under the mini-player on the Library views?


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On 2/25/2023 at 8:00 PM, andrewilley said:

Is it possible to change the look of the new seekbar under the mini-player on the Library views?

Sorry, I was away from home so that was a quick post from my phone.

What I was asking for is whether it would be possible to apply my chosen seekbar/cursor style from the player screen (see my above screenshot) to the Library miniplayer? So the chosen seekbar appears to be within the graduated blue area in this example (clearly the blue bounding box would need to be expanded to fit):



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@flyingdutchman That's fine, the player screen is probably more pressing anyway. I'd like to be able to move the two counters up to above the seekbar (overlapping in front of the lower left and lower right of the waveseek area) which would leave the whole of the bottom row free for metadata info, which often gets truncated. Can the 'Resize MetaInfo Field' option allow it to extend across the whole screen width if needed by the way? The current 300dp max was presumably intended to avoid colliding with the counters.


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Have just spent some time in one of the the default skins for another topic, I think I'm basically trying to achieve something quite close to Max's original 'Alternative' layout (which does overlay the two counters over the bottom of the waveseek) but with the addition of the direct seekbar too.

I do really like this feature by the way. It's a much better solution to adapting to all the various screen sizes out there than trying to make a one-layout-fits-all solution. It'd be nice to be able to see changes a bit more easily as you make them, as jumping up and down through menu levels and then back to the player screen to see each tweak is a bit tedious, but I can't think of a way to do that within the current editing processes.


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