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Hi guys!

Question about V210

Kindly ask for help - how to turn off this mode with a full-screen cover and return to the standard Poweramp mode... (сover on the left, buttons on the right).

I found the mirror reflection mode - buttons on the left, cover on the right.

But how to return to normal mode - I can't find.

P.S. Device - automobile head unit, Android 10.Screenshot_20230301-090850.thumb.png.9e84468751198bb9abaf80f46f5bf776.png

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15 hours ago, Vtulkin Sergey said:

Question about V210

in other worlds, please wait for fixing this bug 😉 (and for future, make YAPS  app+data backup before upgrade, i use TitaniumBackup then in car HU simple revert to V209)

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11 hours ago, Beda said:

in other worlds, please wait for fixing this bug 😉 (and for future, make YAPS  app+data backup before upgrade, i use TitaniumBackup then in car HU simple revert to V209)

I'm still an inexperienced Android user, so thank you very much for the recommendations.

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@Vtulkin Sergey this is the changelog for the next version

    Important Note:
    You can use a Backup and Restore app to backup
    YAPS to Google Drive.
    I successfully used "Backup & Restore" v7.2.5

    Compiled against Poweramp-build-956-uni.apk
What's new:
    - Move track and/or Artist/Album independently, up, down. left,right
    - Move elapsed and duration timings up or down
    - reinstatement of default landscape layout
    - new diy landscape layout where artifacts can be moved
    - background options for Ratings/Like/Unlike. Full range of colours
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Thanks, just installed 211.

A couple of oddities:

The left/right adjustment for the Track and Artist/Album lines are both initially set at zero, which is in fact already slightly too far to the right for the Track field and it can't be moved any further to the left. So the range seems to vary from nearly centred to all the way to way off the screen to the right. This test-wording screenshot ("I" by "I" on the album "I" :) ) was created with both horizontal values set at zero, the red line being the screen centreline.


Also the vertical adjustment for the Track field seems to glitch at value 84 (which of course just happened to be the one I wanted). For example, results for Track values from 82 (higher) to 86 (lower):







I also can't remember where to adjust the initial size of the counter/duration items? I can find the scaling value for changing the size "when playing", but not the starting size which I'd like to make a bit bigger now I've got the space for it.


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You assisted me last year on a similar issue.

I would like to have the track counter/shuffle line appear above the play buttons in that empty space shown in my attachment.

I am using V210 and it used to appear in that space in the previous version.



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@Rocinante One of the new features Theo added in recent releases is the ability to move any row on the player screen up or down manually. Go into skin settings=>Fine Tune=>Move Various Objects Portrait View, and then adjust the 'Buttons' slider upwards. You can tweak every line to get it just how you want.


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7 hours ago, andrewilley said:

@Rocinante One of the new features Theo added in recent releases is the ability to move any row on the player screen up or down manually. Go into skin settings=>Fine Tune=>Move Various Objects Portrait View, and then adjust the 'Buttons' slider upwards. You can tweak every line to get it just how you want.


Thanks! I see that now. I don't know how I missed it, as I was in that menu tweaking every other slider.

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Hey guys,

I just updated from v209 to v211 and have a couple questions:

  1. What is the new icon that's appearing at the top right of the albumart? Pressing on this icon does the same as pressing on the albumart. This didn't exist prior to updating YAPS to v211 today and I'm looking for a way to hide/disable it.
  2. A couple posts up andrewilley mentions a new feature that's supposed to allow me to fine tune the location of various objects on the screen. I'm particularly interested in moving around the track and artist/album info around. However, the setting mentioned does not apply any changes to my screen. I tried both portrait and landscape views, and even closed/restarted Poweramp. None of those settings are making any change at all to my screen.



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The extra icon is probably the three-dots Menu button for the Player Screen, which is meant to do the same thing as long-pressing on the album-art. That element can be hidden via the main PA controls, with Settings=>Look and Feel=>Player UI=>Hide Menu Button. Probably also hideable via the skin settings.

The intention is for Skin Settings=>Fine Tune=>'Move Various Object Landscape View' to allow you to manipulate the on-screen position of all of the visual elements on that page, but I too can't get it to workin Landscape mode. Works fine for the vertical screen using the Portrait View settings though.


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58 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

The intention is for Skin Settings=>Fine Tune=>'Move Various Object Landscape View' to allow you to manipulate the on-screen position of all of the visual elements on that page, but I too can't get it to workin Landscape mode.

for customize Landscape via new way, you need: YAPS_Settings/Misc/LandscapeOptions switch from PowerAmpDefault to DiyLayout 😉

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7 minutes ago, Beda said:

for customize Landscape via new way, you need: YAPS_Settings/Misc/LandscapeOptions switch from PowerAmpDefault to DiyLayout 😉

Bingo, ten points to Gryffindor. I hadn't considered that.

Theo, it's probably worth mentioning this at the top of the Move Various Object Landscape View menu as I suspect a few people will make the same mistake.


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3 hours ago, andrewilley said:

The extra icon is probably the three-dots Menu button for the Player Screen, which is meant to do the same thing as long-pressing on the album-art. That element can be hidden via the main PA controls, with Settings=>Look and Feel=>Player UI=>Hide Menu Button. Probably also hideable via the skin settings.

The intention is for Skin Settings=>Fine Tune=>'Move Various Object Landscape View' to allow you to manipulate the on-screen position of all of the visual elements on that page, but I too can't get it to workin Landscape mode. Works fine for the vertical screen using the Portrait View settings though.


No, that doesn't appear to be it. I already had that option disabled. I went ahead and re-enabled that option and now I have 2 icons there. I think this is skin-related, but it is worth mentioning that I updated Poweramp to the current build at the same time as the YAPS upgrade.



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Thanks for the tip, Beda. I'll try playing around with that setting to tweak my Landscape view, which is default on my Android head unit.

I found that Portrait view was working correctly. I shifted my screen to split-screen between Maps and Poweramp and I was able to dial in the view of that setting exactly how I like. HUGE thanks for implementing this feature. I also noticed that the albumart is now resizing properly. Before it was getting cropped in a weird way, but now the albumart is properly scaling down. The only thing I might suggest is providing a way to hide certain details individually per Portrait and Landscape view. If I have navigation going, I'm doing split-screen. In that particular case I would want to create a minimalist view and perhaps remove the metainfo and track counter, whereas I would want them on the Landscape view. Just a thought for a feature suggestion, but I'm super happy to have this additional level of customization.


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@slizzap this has something to do with the elapsed timing. trying to hunt it down 😀

@andrewilley wording amended for clarity

@slizzap landscape view is a little flaky at the moment as there are some unexpected behaviours. Hopefully will improve over time


I am sure there will be more things that will need attention. I will work on them as and when I can. Thank you all for your input

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6 minutes ago, flyingdutchman said:

I am sure there will be more things that will need attention. I will work on them as and when I can. Thank you all for your input

Did you get a chance to look at my report of issues with the 'move items' portrait page? e.g. Title is still too far to the right, even when the horizontal slider is set at zero (ideally I guess I would like to see +/- sliders in such cases, with the zero point meaning approximately centred). Also the strange jump at value '84' with vertical Title movement.


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1 hour ago, flyingdutchman said:

Also looking at offering left, centre, right align

Yes, that would make sense. An arbitrary range of 0 to 150 doesn't seem to make much sense, perhaps a range of left -100, centre 0, right +100 (or similar) might be more logical?

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I found some oddities with the Landscape view after enabling "diy layout" that I wanted to report just in case you hadn't seen these yet. I know it's still a work in progress.

  1. The seekbar became elongated and is now covering up part of the albumart. Is there a setting somewhere to change the width of the seekbar? If you scroll up a few posts you can see a screenshot showing the seekbar prior to enabling "diy layout".
  2. Moving around the Metainfo is a bit buggy. You'll notice that all of the text items have black bubbles behind them so you can read the white text. If you change the Up/Down behavior so that it's at or above the seekbar, the bubble shows as expected. However, if you move it below the seekbar it loses that bubble and becomes hard to read. I found the approximate location where it starts fading in/out and captured that in the screenshot below...it looks like a line directly above it.
  3. I'm unable to move the track duration buttons any lower than what's shown in the screenshot below...it's maxed out as far Down as the slider will allow. I'd like to get these below the seekbar.
  4. There's a setting towards the top simply called "Buttons" which appears to include both the Shuffle button and the track counter (possibly others as well that I have hidden). When changing these settings, the Up/Down applies to both, but the Left/Right does *not* apply to the Shuffle button...it stays docked to the right. It's a bit wonky trying to dial in this setting that works with both.


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For the next release

to get a smaller seekbar you will have to move it to the right. As with buttons moving to the left will elongate rather than moving the artifact

with metainfoo I will probably also have to move a separate background too, will investigate

track elapsed and duration can now move lower

if you have hidden any of the buttons then  none of the diy magic is applied as the hiding will override


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3 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

to get a smaller seekbar you will have to move it to the right. As with buttons moving to the left will elongate rather than moving the artifact


This did the trick. I wouldn't have thought to play with the Left/Right settings to adjust the size...I thought it was only movement.


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