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PowerAMP 2.0.1 build-455


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Download PowerAMP v2.0-build-455

This version (after short testing) will be also available on Market.

Extras (not changed):

Download PowerAMP Standard Widget Pack 2.0-build-22 (Note: this widget pack is compatible with PowerAMP v1.4 as well)

Download PowerAMP Classic Skin APK

Download PowerAMP Classic Skin JAR (same as apk, different packaging. Copy it to sdcard/Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/skins/ to install the skin)


- added Auto-Find option, which is able to automatically find music folders on first sd card/storage

- added Auto-scan option (Library/Folders Advanced => Library/Folders Scanner), which can be disabled to workaround some ROM issues (rescan on reboot)

- mount points (sd cards/external storages/etc.) can be added as music folders (previously, only child folders were supported)

- raised embed album art size limit to 2mb

- fixed issue with UTF-16 and Replay Gain tags

- relaxed mp4/m4a album art parser

- enabled id3v2 tags for .aac files

- other bug fixes and stability improvements

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Do I understand the changelog correctly that the pesky bug that causes the player to forget its state (losing queue and currently playing song) has not been fixed? See http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/1921-randomly-loses-current-songposition-between-starts/

This is a major issue that makes the player completely useless for continuous use..

Also can the Market version be updated by the downloadable version and vice versa or are they mutually exclusive?

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Thanks heaps for fixing the ReplayGain bug - the files I was having trouble with with foobar2000 are now working. Currently in the process of rewriting my ReplayGain tags with foobar2000 (which is thankfully much faster than MusicBee at calculating them and will only take 10 minutes). Would be nice to have other ReplayGain tag formats supported in the future, but it is worth the effort to re-calculate them to finally have ReplayGain on a portable player!

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Hey, is there an option to delete a rating of a song? As far as I experienced the rating system, once you have rated a song, you cannot reverse the rating, in other words, delete the rating. Is there an option I have overseen?

Just slide your finger from actual rating star to the left. This will delete the rating. ;)

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@Max, I previously reported that SRS effect cannot resume automatically on next playback (setting is still selected though). I seem to have find a solution. I have to enable Keep Service and disable Resume On Headset Connect. But this way, I have to manually press the play button after plugging in my earphone.

Hope this can help you with your investigation. Thanks!

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Would it be possible to add "Pause on A2DP disconnect"?

If I use Poweramp with my car radio and bluetooth, auto-play is now working fine with the latest version.

However, when I turn the radio off, sometimes the music is paused but most of the time it continues to play.

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Distressed by the change to the way folders are displayed in V2. I have always used FOLDERS to select and play my music, rather than the LIBRARY option. I just prefer to navigate my files this way.

Upon pressing FOLDERS, Poweramp used to display my music folders like this:





...which made selecting music very quick and easy.

But now with V2, when I hit FOLDERS, I now have all the contents (hundreds of sub folders and loose mp3s) of these 4 folders on the primary screen, making navigation a chore...

It's a mess. can anyone help me get things back to the excellent way they were?

Big Poweramp fan! Keep up the good work.


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Distressed by the change to the way folders are displayed in V2. I have always used FOLDERS to select and play my music, rather than the LIBRARY option. I just prefer to navigate my files this way.

Upon pressing FOLDERS, Poweramp used to display my music folders like this:





...which made selecting music very quick and easy.

But now with V2, when I hit FOLDERS, I now have all the contents (hundreds of sub folders and loose mp3s) of these 4 folders on the primary screen, making navigation a chore...

It's a mess. can anyone help me get things back to the excellent way they were?

Big Poweramp fan! Keep up the good work.


Options->List Options->View As: Hierarchy

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