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John Titor

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by John Titor

  1. I would recommend MusixMatch app. It's not a lyrics downloader however, but there is support for synced lyrics and translations.
  2. No, I didn't. Thanks for telling me this. 😕😄
  3. Indeed, but YouTube music downloads the files in multiple parts and encrypts them, so they can not be played by any other apps but by itself. Just like YouTube app. Google Play Music used to download in MP3 I believe. 🤔 These days, I just buy/download FLAC or mp3s from online.
  4. Poweramp uses One UI style icon on Samsung devices instead of these icons. Would be nice if we could force a particular icon style, for consistency across multiple devices. Icons of bar I am referring to
  5. Just like the ones you wanna use/not stay hidden. And enable this in visualisation settings.
  6. Debugging isn't possible via bluetooth, you'd need to connect your device with an usb cable. There is, however a wireless method to use ADB, but that's an Android 11+ feature.
  7. Hello, for PEQ to equalize a music stream from a player, it needs to know and track the music stream's audio session id. Unfortunately only a handful of players expose their session id, allowing external EQs to work. Players like Spotify, YouTube music do, but just YouTube app doesn't. However, there is a way to equalize them, you can enable Advanced player tracking from Settings > Advanced player tracking. It uses a way of getting all active sessions via dumpsys but Android restricts that area with a permission (DUMP). You just need to give two permissions, DUMP, which requires a bit of an effort (see this guide on how to activate it), and notification listener permission.
  8. Try the AOSP file manager. Install this app for a quick shortcut to that app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.marc.files
  9. Nor Samsung browser 😑. Google seems to hate the idea of implementing SAF in their own apps.
  10. Yup. Seen this in YouTube music and definitely want this in PA if a now playing screen were to be implemented in Poweramp
  11. Same, I don't like round progress bar around a play button. But I like how YouTube only uses it when showing the countdown to next video.
  12. I am fine with it being just an indicator. That's the purpose of a miniplayer IMHO. It's not hard to just click on it and open the player screen to seek. A small seek bar on the miniplayer is more trouble for me as seeking would probably not accurate/as I want it to be.
  13. Sorry it can't be possible. Discord doesn't really support rich presence on mobile except on few Samsung devices. Spotify status is available on other devices tho. You'd need Discord devs to first make it compatible with Android devices.
  14. "I love it when you call me Senorita" I am having a relationship with their relationship
  15. I think you are asking how to use PEQ instead of Poweramp's own built in EQ? You can enable equalization through Poweramp EQ app for Poweramp easily. Just enable MusicFX option in PA (settings > audio > advanced tweaks), and disable DVC in Poweramp (as both app's DVC would conflict).
  16. I believe this is a feature request to support reverse stereo? Just a note, both VLC and MX Player has that option for a while. And I just put it in auto reverse stereo mode.
  17. No, downloaded songs from YTM/Spotify and such official apps are stored in encrypted files in your device, so they can not be played on Poweramp. You could try downloading songs in a playable format (mp3, aac, ogg) using third party tools such as youtube-dl.
  18. I know the codebase of PEQ and PA is shared but shouldn't "Poweramp" in labels be changed to "Poweramp Equalizer"? Just so it is consistent. And... just Poweramp here is kind of misleading because it changes the icon of Poweramp EQ not of "Poweramp" (the music player).
  19. I thought it used the notification listener permission to detect play/pause status of players in some cases? Guess I was wrong.....
  20. Android TV lacks a few components. Such as notification listener permission for third party apps. That's why when you clicked on "Notification listener permission" on PEQ, you got the error toast message. You are not the only one, similar thing was reported at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49070886/notificationlistenerservice-in-androidtv . Other modified variants of Android, such as Android Go also lacks this permission. The only way to access notification would be to make it a system app I guess....
  21. That is happening probably because your file manager doesn't have access to that folder....
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