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  1. Crossfade support, the ability to enable/disable existing Crossfade setting, would also be great for A-B Repeat.
  2. Might you mean A-B Repeat within a song track? Mian topicof A-B Repeat: Vote for A-B repeat here:
  3. Hello Andre, yes to both Library Category and customizable strings. It simply would be nice to see Publisher in the Info/Tags screen, providing it's present in the metadata of the file.
  4. Is there support for the PUBLISHER tag (id3 v2) within Poweramp and if not could this be added please. For those that don't know, this is tag is used by professionals for inputting the music label, production company or studio name. It would need to display in Poweramp's Info/Tags screen of the main Player UI. It could also function as another sorting feature for Playlists etc I used to use/input this particular tag a lot in my mp3 and flac files in previous years. More about it discussed here: https://community.mp3tag.de/t/label-publisher/6522 Some attached screenshots of Mp3Tag, a long-running mp3 tagger Windows application by German dev Florian H.
  5. A beautifully written statement and implementation. This should be the standard for most online voting features.
  6. Thanks Andre and Fitzian. I don't think the voting system would work to properly reflect the support for A-B Repeat. I estimate that many of the users who posted support for this feature on the forum are either seldom visitors to the forum or probably don't use or have knowledge for the Voting system. A-B Repeat is certainly not a feature that requires significant change to the UX/UI or any major change to some audio engine. The existing Bookmarks feature already marks a point A for songs, so it would be as straightforward as a developer just 're-using' this same code. It could even be added as an Experimental feature that has to be enabled in the Settings. My favourite feature packed audio player on Android and it can't even do A-B Repeat whilst the developer chooses to hilariously laugh at my request from 13 years ago. VLC, Neutron Player and other Android players have A-B Repeat cycle. C'mon man
  7. Unfortunately Max is still publicly ignoring implementing a very easy A-B Repeat feature with included bookmarking of A-B
  8. Max, said on this thread 2 years ago (in 2021) that he would raise priority. The Bookmarks feature is already there which marks a Point A, therefore A-B support should be very straightforward to code up since all it would be doing is allowing the user to mark a Point B. Neutron player (copycat of Poweramp) and video player apps such as MX Player and VLC all have A-B Repeat from years ago. Another important feature request attachment to A-B Repeat would be the ability to save each A-B selection, save it to either Bookmarks or custom playlist. Perhaps each A-B saved could have it's custom EQ and custom Tempo saved along with it. This would be ideal. As Andre said above with The Carpenters example, songs with lengthy 'creative' intros before the actual song starts OR music that are part of long 2+ hour radio mixes are just some of the justifications for A-B repeat feature. It could even be added right now, today, as an experimental feature. I think Max has secret hatred of A-B?? I hope not.
  9. Unfortunately "soon" could take 13 years lol. Why can't Max recruit a secondary support developer who would primarily focus on the backlog of feature requests. Then Max could handle all the bug fixes, compatibility etc
  10. Hi hello Pa forum, It would be great if there was an ability upon tap & hold to have "Playlist settings" option. We can already rename, image change, share a selected Playlist (amongst the options presented upon tap & hold). Personally, I'd like to set my own custom Tempo and preamp on a per Playlist basis and I'm sure other users would too.
  11. Hello andrewilley, A-B Repeat must also support a 'saving' function either save to Bookmarks or save to a custom playlist. If you can edit that as enclosed brackets to your above post. It's worth to note, the existing 'Add to Bookmark' feature already is the same as A-B function in that it marks a point A except with not marking a point B
  12. Agreed and well reasoned. If implemented as a long-press option it would still be sad to loose that precise A to B loop that has been made. Hence why I firmly believe that there should be the additional option to save the A-B selection to BOOKMARKS.
  13. I've been badgering MaxMP for this feature for nearly 13 years lol There have been advances in Poweramp with Lyrics but still no basic implementation of an A-B repeat. I (and I'm sure many users too) would also like the ability to 'save' an A-B repeat selections to a playlist such as 'Bookmarks' Please MaxMP the crowd has spoken! I know MaxMp personally doesn't like this feature himself but few other players (namely Neutron Player has it). I am a lifetime Poweramp user devotee. In a private conversation MaxMP did confirm that it is in the TODO list but he's never commented about it on the forum. I don't know why he hates the function so much. The internal Android programming code for such an A-B Repeat feature would be close enough to the existing the implementation of Poweramp's Bookmark function.
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