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Poweramp Equalizer builds 899-908

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@andrewilley unfortunately, parametric and graphic presets are very different. While it's possible (kind of) to load graphic preset as parametric (generating number of appropriate bands), it's not possible to load parametric preset into graphic mode.

Dynamically switching between modes is possible and this is future feature for Equalizer. It's harder to do so for Poweramp player, so first iteration we go with the separate "static" modes.

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@Ghouless the equalization applied per the player apps. It should work for any output, but it may fail to work if the player specifically uses "hardware" decoding, when no audio is exposed on system level so there is nothing to equalize. This is rare and to date, no streaming players do that, but it may happen, for example, in stock player for specific formats (e.g. Samsung player + flac playback).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I buy the Poweramp Player app, does it offer the same features as the Poweramp Equalizer app?  Or does the Poweramp Equalizer app have more features than what is bundled with the Poweramp Player app.  Thanks. 

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54 minutes ago, Fretman said:

If I buy the Poweramp Player app, does it offer the same features as the Poweramp Equalizer app?  Or does the Poweramp Equalizer app have more features than what is bundled with the Poweramp Player app.  Thanks. 

Aaaahm. This apps is completely different in their purposes.

Poweramp Equalizer offers to use it with apps that can use it (sry for quibble) (eg Spotify, Deezer, possible YouTube), to modificating with equalizer their (apps) output sound.

Poweramp Player - is a player with equalizer. It can't modificate the sound of other apps.

You can test them, they both have a trial period.

Edited by Aller2TeaM
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@JunoMarian your system delivers volume key presses with a delay. Not sure what your device is, but I can guess something from this list may help:

- increase Poweramp process priority by disabling battery/background optimizations for it
- enable Notification for it if it's disabled/hidden
- try different output (there are 3-4 output types depending on device/Android variant in Poweramp Audio settings)
- try to disable DVC (last resort, will reduce equalizer headroom).

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@cheebs The cascade mode is a simple sum of the bands. The envelope mode builds a curve enveloping each band without summing them. The difference can be heard/measured only for the overlapping bands.

For example, 2 bands on the same frequency, type, q, and with gains 1.5dB and 3dB:
- cascade: results in 4.5dB amplification
- envelope: results in 3dB amplification




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@maxmp Existe uma data em especifica para que esta nova atualização chegue ao google play oficialmente????

Em 28/06/2021 às 23:34, maxmp disse:



  • Novo modo de equalizador paramétrico
    • disponível para Premium
    • vazio vazio, bandas adicionadas / removidas / organizadas pelo usuário
    • parâmetros configuráveis permitem alto nível de personalização de som com apenas algumas bandas
    • parâmetros de banda:
      • modelo
        • Low Pass / High Pass - passa o sinal a partir da frequência definida, ressonante com fator Q superior
        • Prateleira baixa / Prateleira alta - semelhante a Passa baixa / Passa alta com uma resposta de frequência mais plana
        • Passe de banda - passa o sinal em torno da frequência definida pelo usuário
        • Peaking Band - versão mais estreita do Band Pass
      • canais - aplica-se banda à esquerda, direita ou ambos os canais
      • ganho - uma amplificação da banda, pode ser negativa
      • frequência - centro / ponto de corte da banda
      • Q - largura de banda e a curva de resposta resultante para a banda
    • bandas têm cor de fundo configurável pelo usuário para facilitar a identificação
    • presets paramétricos são separados dos gráficos
    • o modo paramétrico tem o salvamento automático sempre ativado, as mudanças são salvas automaticamente não predefinido automaticamente selecionado
    • <Predefinição padrão> (a predefinição implícita que é usada quando nenhuma predefinição específica) está visível na lista de predefinições, mas não pode ser excluída / renomeada
  • nova opção de sobreposição de bandas
    • dois modos: envelope (padrão) e cascata
    • Uma opção Smooth Equalizer / Tone Gains (habilitada por padrão) limita a sobrecarga para as bandas sobrepostas
  • predefinições agora sempre têm tom (graves / agudos) armazenados neles
    • predefinições integradas também podem ter valores de tom - geralmente em 0
    • algumas predefinições apenas de tom adicionadas
  •  ferramenta nova Poweramp WebADB
    • funciona no navegador Chrome no PC ou em outro telefone Android
    • abra WebADB no outro dispositivo PC / Android conectado por USB para desbloquear a funcionalidade ADB neste dispositivo com o equalizador instalado
  • os valores do botão podem ser editados pressionando longamente
  • compartilhamento / importação / exportação de predefinições por meio de um pressionamento longo na lista de predefinições
    Predefinições salvas / carregadas no formato JSON
  • predefinições também podem ser importadas abrindo por meio do gerenciador de arquivos
  • Ambos os arquivos Equalizer .pa-eq-preset e AutoEQ .txt são suportados pelos
    formatos gráficos e paramétricos do AutoEQ e importados para os presets gráficos ou paramétricos apropriados.
    O equalizador adiciona + 6dB aos ganhos gráficos do AutoEQ
  • nova opção arredondada para o espectro de tela do equalizador
  • visualizações de espectro (barras) são renderizadas em qualidade superior (resolução de tela)
  • suporte para visualização de picos de barra de espectro
  • nova opção de fonte de configurações
  • Novos alternadores de opção em Configurações
  • detecção de jogador aprimorada no modo de rastreamento de jogador avançado
  • correções de bugs e melhorias de estabilidade
  • atualizações de traduções, muito obrigado aos nossos tradutores Crowdin


O modo paramétrico será transferido para o reprodutor Poweramp. O suporte do equalizador através da compra de premium dá suporte ao desenvolvimento do player Poweramp.

Existe uma data em especifica para que esta nova atualização chegue ao google play?

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@Backsilent99 autosave enabled as any sudden preset change, manual of automatic, will otherwise drop all your changes, and parametric mode requires a lot of manual work you don’t want to loose.

Obviously “parametric mode” is really a parametric eq: you have “classic” set of parameters you can change - pretty much the same way in any other parametric equalizer out there.

The implementation detail (linear phase FIR FFT based equalizer which DynamicProcessing implements) does not prevent parametric equalization at all.

(Obviously other developers wonder how it can be done, as that reddit one. Just good amount of math required, but nothing outside known DSP theory.)

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@maxmp Thanks for the reply, however the guy still claims that the current implementation lowers quality, is that true? (see below) Tbh I noticed that the PEQ preset I use on my PC has different effect when imported to Poweramp Equalizer but that could be also because of the different hardware (sadly don't have any other device to test it).


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@Backsilent99 So one individual on a separate thread that isn’t even a Poweramp member has cast doubt for you, versus the answer provided already by the developer? Like the library database that PA creates independent of the Android version to achieve a far better browsing and library management system, I would expect the same can be said for the PEQ. Otherwise it wouldn’t have taken near so long to implement using simple stock Android APIs.

Regardless of your concern, parametric equalization has been a requested feature for a long time, and has just now been implemented. I expect it will be improved further as development continues. Other than the words of a few “friends” that have been referenced on the other thread, do you have specific concerns about the PEQ? 

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I think it all boils down to how you perceive the sound or the music. Just another person saying that it is better does not magically make it better. Though this psychological trick is often used for marketing purposes. I trust my ears; only I know what is the best for me. 

Also, I remember Max saying that he can get results **very close** to the Poweramp player, which uses a custom DSP engine. Android's implementation of the AudioFX isn't of very high quality, that is also the reason why Max does not want to implement Reverb features in PEQ app; it mostly adds noise.

Again, trust your ears. That is the key to achieving a perfect sound experience in my opinion.

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5 hours ago, Pierre Ye said:

Can the equalizer be separated for Left and Right channel? This is useful for in car Android sound tuning.

Yes the parametric EQ can actually equalize the sound by channels. 

Edited by John Titor
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I am a user of the Poweramp Player app. I installed Poweramp Equalizer build-908-arm64-play to use it with the Poweramp Player app, while the parametric equalizer is not ported to the player app. 

The parametric equalizer looks very good! @maxmp: Thanks for your great work! I have already purchased the premium version of the EQ app, in order to support further development. 

The EQ app works fine with YouTube Music on my phone. However, I was not able to make it work with the Poweramp Player app.

The player and EQ  apps are running on a Samsung Galaxy S10+ with Android 11. I have already disabled DVC and enabled MusicFX in Poweramp Player, granted DUMP and Notification Listener permissions to Poweramp EQ, turned on the experimental "Enable Player Tracking" feature of the EQ app, and turned on "Disable absolute volume" under "Default USB configuration" in Android Developer options. Is there something else I should do?


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