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Poweramp builds 856-860


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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

I hadn't thought about PA potentially trying to pick up numbers from filenames, I was expecting it to be using tags only for track/disc numbers. I'll have a look, that could definitely be why files with no track# tags are showing a track number of 99.


I never tag track numbers and I saw the last update Poweramp automatically found lots of albums with track numbers. Files that started with the number first, example: "01 - song title.mp3" Poweramp recognized this and numbered them. Songs that didn't start with the number "artist - 01 song title.mp3" Poweramp did not auto recognize to number and require the tag to be present. 

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Thank you for removing track numbers in playlists and main player!!  The way you have "relevant categories" set up is So much better!! 

I think I found what you can call a bug. In the one list view "small" The track number overlaps the album art. I really like it better that you moved the number to the left side of the album art. It's too congested right there in front of the song title on the right side.


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4 hours ago, andrewilley said:


12 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I don't quite see the point of the extra complexity, or requiring users to manually change their settings now, of having two separate 'Sort By Track#' and 'Sort By Disc# and Track#' options. Using Track# sorting should automatically use a Disc# tag too, if one is present in the file. I can't envisage any possible scenario where a user might want to ignore valid Disc# tags when sorting in Track order?

[Edit] In fact, setting the option to just "Sort By Track#" does still seem to correctly reflect Disc# tags too, so that extra 'Sort By Disc# and Track#' option doesn't seem to do anything different? I suggest just having one option in order to simplify the selection list.

Info/Tags is still showing a 'Disc' item, populated with '1', even when there is no Disc# tag present in the file. IMHO that field should be hidden in such cases - just like the Track item is hidden when there is no Track# tag in the file. A missing Disc# tag should be handled (and sorted) differently to cases of files that do have a valid Disc# tag of '1'. 

Enabling the Disc option doesn't seem to change the meta info (it's there either way, tiny text next to the track running time).


IMHO the disc number (and only if a real Disc# tag is present) should be more obvious, shown before the Track number, such as:
1/1. The Eve of the War
1/2. The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine

... (etc)
1/5. Thunder Child
2/1. The Red Weed (Part 1)
2/2. The Spirit of Man

... (etc)

Not sure what' Relevant Categories' are meant to mean either - with that option enabled, I looked in Folders, Albums, and Artists categories and there was no Track# shown. Why not just make it more user-controllable and intuitive and select that feature manually within each Category's 'List Options > View' section - somewhere just above the lists/grids/etc settings?

And finally I'd suggest keeping the separate feature in Look and Feel > Player UI to control whether Track numbers also appear in the Player screen or not - ideally with three options: 'Always Off' | 'As Per Category List Options' | 'Always On'.



Relevant Categories removes the track numbers from playlists and main player screen. I had to do a full rescan then it worked in every other category. Its on the left of the album artwork with the Separate Number option (which I like better) and does not work in Grid view.


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Oh I see I didn't realize that was the "meta" line. That's perfect then.

So I tried out the meta option and what I noticed is: for songs that don't have the filename numbered or tagged the number "10" shows up by default. Other than that I'm torn between having the # show on the left side of the art or down in the meta field. Both are very good options.

[EDIT] A rescan appears to have fixed the problem with the "10". There is now no number there when it doesn't exist.

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14 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I hadn't thought about PA potentially trying to pick up numbers from filenames,

That's definitely causing some (most?) of the issues for me. I have a lot of podcasts (and radio show recordings) which naturally include no track tags, but they may have dates or series/episode numbering in their filenames (often at the end of the name). Many are getting randomly interpreted as track numbers in song lists, often showing as '99' as they must then be too big. Info/Tags still shows no Track detail though.

My Miscellaneous Music folder contains about 700 songs, virtually all of them 'single' tracks, where I have deliberately batch-edited out all of track & disc number tags, plus any album names, so it is probably an ideal place to check this. In most cases, my filename format is "%title% - %artist%":

  • Band names (generally near the end of the filenames) such as Haircut 100, U2, Timbuk 3, Heaven 17, etc create phantom track numbers.
  • Some song names (first part of filenames) do create phantom track numbers (songs such as "19", "22" and "7 Years" fairly obviously) but others don't (such as "In the Year 2525" and "The Number 1 Song in Heaven (Part 2)").


I have no idea why the filename "1234 - Feist.mp3" above didn't get interpreted as track number 1234, like 19 and 22 did, and thus show as an overflow value '99'. Also I have several singles with the words "12-inch version" in the filename, which do not get picked up as track 12.

[Edit to add more details, to save yet another post, sorry!] Also, filenames from multi-disc collections that have the format "%disc%-%track% %title% - %artist%" are getting misinterpreted. e.g. in a 5-CD Christmas Songs collection folder, I added a few extra singles of my own into the same folder, which I wanted to be filename-sorted to follow at the end of the five-disc set. I used the same naming format as the rest of the folder, such as "6-01 Run With the Fox - Chris Squire & Allan White", but as there are no embedded Track# tags for Single tracks, PA displayed them all as being track 6. 

Hope some of this helps, I think this kind of intelligent interpretation from filenames definitely needs to be optional as there are a lot of places it could cause problems.


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Since last update, Poweramp crashes every time I try to rate a song. It happens no matter what rating (1 - 5 stars) I'm trying to give, or whether the song was or was not previously rated. It also happens on the built-in skins and on third-party skins.

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17 hours ago, Hrynkiv said:

When trying to like any song, the player crashes.


3 hours ago, fyourself said:

Since last update, Poweramp crashes every time I try to rate a song. It happens no matter what rating (1 - 5 stars) I'm trying to give, or whether the song was or was not previously rated. It also happens on the built-in skins and on third-party skins.

I can't seem to duplicate that. Could you provide any more info? What ratings mode are you using? Any common factors between your two systems?


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So I did notice an issue. 

Songs by artist 2pac that are not tagged with track numbers show as having the track number of 2. The artist 10 years shows all songs as 10. 50 Cent songs show as track 50. Etc etc. Artists with three digits like 311 show up as track 99.

Now tagging all of these songs with a track number fixes this obviously. The problem I see is I have a lot of non album songs by a few of these artists. So there really is no track number. I can live with renaming 2pac to Tupac but I'm not sure what I rename artists like 311 or 50 cent to get them to not show up as if it had a track tag of 99 or 50. Maybe there's a way that if we tag track numbers with something like a 0 or a X it will tell Poweramp to hide track number for that song? 

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I started noticing bunches of album covers being corrupted and i have to resync from the computer or a go to the songs are fine and look at the album covers that are fine and then click ok and Poweramp overwrites the bad ones in the albums.   I didn't notice this the other day.   I don't think i got the newest update that came out yesterday I think it was.  Is there a problem with Poweramp or is my memory card going to crap again?

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12 hours ago, andrewilley said:


I can't seem to duplicate that. Could you provide any more info? What ratings mode are you using? Any common factors between your two systems?


Android 7.1 (MIUI 10 beta)

Poweramp Beta version

I used the likes and dislikes, the player crashed when trying to rate the song. then I changed it to 5 stars, it didn't help.

i quit the player beta test, deleted Poweramp & Poweramp Unlocker. 

Then I installed Poweramp Stable Version and Unlocker. 

everything works now

I recommend not forgetting to export the settings and playlists 

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21 hours ago, Absinthequ said:

The problem I see is I have a lot of non album songs by a few of these artists. So there really is no track number.

This seems to be the main problem I am having with the new track display too. I too have a lot of tracks which are Singles, or otherwise not part of any specific album (radio shows, concerts, etc). They don't have any Album Title tag details, and I also specifically batch edited them all to remove any extraneous Track# and Disc# ID3 tags that may have crept in during CD ripping. So it doesn't really make sense in my particular case to have PA invent its own track numbers when I had specifically removed them all.   


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@maxmp I know that there's nothing special about Xperia 1, but in the latest versions it stopped to show the capabilities of adapters (HTC adapter is 192kHz 24bit) and bluetooth DACs, like Fiio BTR3 (32bit 384kHz)

Every device is shown as 44kHz 16bit.


By the way, thanks for the info. I'll upload the archives as soon as possible. 

I'm with Poweramp since it was launched and it's very appreciated for me.

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Dear Maxim,

thank you for the newest updates with all the great improvements like track#, cd#, year category etc.! 

One optical issue: When turning off the three dot menu button on the album cover in player screen, the lower text bar is not justfied to the upper one.

All the best,



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8 hours ago, maxmp said:
  • track numbers up to 999
    track numbers from filenames limited to 99 max.

Thank you, that's definitely helped where long numbers in filenames (such as dates) were getting misinterpreted as track numbers. However my single Songs folder - where, by intent, all ID3 track number tags have been removed from files - still needs some work. All of the following examples should show as having no track numbers as that's how I manually edited the files:



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Everything looks great to me.

the only thing I don't like is the lock screen on MIUI.  It looks awful.


i thought maybe in this OS it was impossible to make a good lock screen.  but I looked at other players and saw a great lock screen in the Stelio player.  IMG_20200113_183510.thumb.jpg.94547c6d814e96156b3ecce3521bfb6a.jpg

It looks good, and it supports swipes.  I hope Poweramp will be able to do something similar.


Another question (about build 860), is there an issue with the application crash when trying to rate the track?


Sorry for my English 😉

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On 1/6/2020 at 10:45 AM, MotleyG said:

Just using the hide button on the left side of the home buttons while using PA.

This is still happening at v860. I've tried turning off the hidden home touch buttons, and switched between the standard and gesture versions. No change, this seems to happen when switching aps most often, or opening PA fresh. It can be corrected with a quick swipe up or down.


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