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Playlist files are randomly emptied


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I am using several file based playlists with Poweramp. A few days ago, I was very surprised to find two of these playlists (.wpl files), wich had 20 or 100 songs in them, emptied. I checked with the file explorer and it turned out, the file had been set to 0 bytes in size.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce this behaviour yet, but I have a suspicion it has something to do with adding songs to the queue.


Other suggestion: Can you add back the track progress to be showed in the song list, like the older version, and/or add the option to make the song icons in the list smaller again? I don't like the amount of time I spend scrolling to find the songs I want to play. Same thing for the huge album art at the top of the list - please add an option to turn that off.

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/3/2019 at 6:51 PM, andrewilley said:

I get the randomly emptied file-based playlist issue too, where the physical file gets reset to zero bytes, but it's so infrequent I've not been able to work out what's triggering it. I keep backup copies elsewhere now to copy back when it happens.


Oh man, me too!!! Was shocked to find out one playlist went missing. Checked storage it was there but with zero bytes! Twas 100+ of songs. First time to experience this. 816 is buggy...

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This is not related to the old SD Card removal issue of losing items from internal playlists during a rescan.

It is physical M3U(8) files being completely completely wiped (zero bytes). I've had it happen to me a number of times, but you only notice that it's happened when you go back to listen to the play list sometime later. The last-modified stamp on the zero- byte file indicates precisely when it happened, but that could have been days or weeks ago.


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13 hours ago, invaderzim said:

Mine was saved in the phone storage where PA created the folder when I exported them.

Exported Playlists will be saved to the Playlists folder in internal device memory. You can then copy them to wherever you like for later use (such as your SD Card if that's where you store your music).


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5 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Exported Playlists will be saved to the Playlists folder in internal device memory. You can then copy them to wherever you like for later use (such as your SD Card if that's where you store your music).


Thanks Andre and I know that already. Am only stating from Hackswell's post his was on an sd card and mine's internal but we all had the same issue with what we are tackling here. 😉

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Just a thought, but do users who have their active Playlists saved on internal memory have the same problem with PA randomly deleting the contents, or is it just on SD Cards?

@maxmp have you had a chance to look into this issue, as randomly deleting users' files from storage is a pretty serious problem.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Has any progress been made on this?  Release 815 was also buggy.   Any later versions fix this, or do I need to look for a new music player for Android?   We've been with Poweramp for years now... it'd be a shame to have to look for another player just because it kept zeroing out playlist files!

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5 hours ago, Hackswell said:

it'd be a shame to have to look for another player just because it kept zeroing out playlist files!

Have you seen this happen with playlists where you have not done any editing or manipulation of the list? I've had it happen to me too, but as you only tend to notice after the issue has occurred (maybe days or weeks later) it's hard to tie down a cause. 


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I've been having this problem ever since the switch to new Poweramp, even today I find that yet another playlist I rebuilt after being wiped in December is now wiped again (Wipeout.m3u, bottom of the attached pic). This is extremely frustrating and happens constantly - especially considering a) I normally import my playlists from Winamp where I create them and b) this playlist was created inside Poweramp and was still wiped! 


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Running on a Samsung 6.  I transfer my playlist using Windows Media Player as .wpl files which are then stored under ../Internal storage/Playlists and also under ../Internal storage/Music.

After updating 1 playlist by connecting to a Windows PC, all the .wpl files were still intact, but there was a copy of each .wpl with 0 bytes size and a new extension of .pla.  In Poweramp only a VERY small number of songs showed up in the playlist.  Additionally, since I did a "System Import" in Poweramp, there were 3 copies of my playlists.

The issue appears to be related to the USB /MTU driver and NOT the upgrade of Poweramp or as other have suggested on other forums related to the OS on Android.

I did the following... part 1, 2, and 3 in retrospect were probably not necessary:

1. I deleted all my playlists from Poweramp.  

2. Deleted my playlist files using MyFiles (a file explorer app)  on the Android.  

3. Re-transferred the playlist using Windows Media Player

4. Made sure there was a copy of the .wpl. playlist files in the ../Internal storage/Music directory

4. Disconnected the phone from the PC.

5. Using "My Files", deleted all the .pla files from ../Internal storage/Music and ../Internal storage/Playlists on the Samsung.

6. Rebooted the phone.

7. Opened Poweramp -> Library -> Playlists -> 3 dot buttons -> Rescan

All my playlists are showing up properly again. 

I also think that Poweramp is pretty versatile in that it recognizes multiple types of playlists and most likely sees the .pla/.m3u files as duplicates...

Hope this helps someone else.



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