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All songs downvoted


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I was listening to music for a few hours and out of nowhere, noticed that the songs have been downvoted, even though I haven't listened to them yet.

So I went to check out new albums I added and see that ALL the tracks are downvoted. Obviously I didn't do thos and it wasn't like this not even 30 minutes ago.

Does anyone know what this is and how the fix it?


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Ratings are held in Poweramp's music database. That information can be read and changed by external apps (such as Music Playlist Manager, if you have that installed) and also by re-reading the #EXT-X-RATING lines within playlists that reference that particular music file. They can also be restored via the Poweramp Settings Export/Import process. But otherwise ratings shouldn't be altered unless you manually change them - they cannot be read from the music files themselves for example. The 'downvote' symbol simply means a song has a numeric rating value of '1', while the thumbs-up notation is based on a numeric rating of '5'.


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19 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Ratings are held in Poweramp's music database. That information can be read and changed by external apps (such as Music Playlist Manager, if you have that installed) and also by re-reading the #EXT-X-RATING lines within playlists that reference that particular music file. They can also be restored via the Poweramp Settings Export/Import process. But otherwise ratings shouldn't be altered unless you manually change them - they cannot be read from the music files themselves for example. The 'downvote' symbol simply means a song has a numeric rating value of '1', while the thumbs-up notation is based on a numeric rating of '5'.


Thats what weird. I haven't connected my phone to anything for 4 months and hadn't made any changes to it. That album in the photo was added last weekend and I hadn't listened to it yet. So then i went to all of my songs and see that everyone of them has been downvoted, even songs that I upvoted months ago were changed to downvotes all of a sudden.

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