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YAPS goes where no other skin has gone before

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A further appeal for testers

 Yaps users, I would like to invite you to join the Yaps test programme. 

By joining it allows you to preview and provide feedback on, an upcoming release and future releases, before it is published in the Google Play app store.
You can always roll back to the live production version
When providing feedback, please include the make/model of your device and screenshot(s) with a concise description of the issue(s) found.
If youy want to join, send me your email address and you will be added to the test group so you can receive future notifications
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Sorry to be the bearer of annoying news, but I just received YAPS build 177 and it has broken lots of things in the player screen:


It was a fairly subtle flat opaque before, but lots of things have changed themselves to solid graduated shades, and moved around inconsistently.


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@flyingdutchman The vertical align of the counters/meta is fixed by changing the setting (nothing was active, neither 'Default' nor 'Alongside Play Button'). However the Viz/Sleep/etc icon line is still overlapping with the Artist/Album text.

Changing the Buttons B/G Colour to any solid colour seems to work (e.g. 'Blue Grey 700') but when I go back to an opaque setting (e.g. 'Blue Grey 700 Opaque') it reverts to the graduated fill version instead. The metainfo line shows as the graduated version whichever colour option is chosen for the other buttons.


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3 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

I hope that after more feedback the skin will be more consistent with stock Poweramp in terms of layout behaviour

That reminds me, are you planning to incorporate PA's new Pro Button and other icon choices (selected via "More Rounded") into YAPS?


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On 1/23/2022 at 3:28 PM, flyingdutchman said:

EDIT, didn't fix my ratings until I updated Poweramp to 924...

But it completely broke the spectrum on the main player. Completely out of wack now.


Choosing any other options for the spectrum leaves me with nothing at all.


Edited by Ash Roarshock
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3 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

@Ash Roarshock I built a new test device but cannot get the same dimensions as your Sony. If you are able to run my utility and post the output, I will be better able to fix your issue. I prefer to communicate be email but the forum is fine.



I don't know what your email is.


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On 1/30/2022 at 9:55 AM, flyingdutchman said:

@Ash Roarshock just released a new version. Fixed the Track/album/artist text.

Just email if there are still issues.


Nah. Completely broken now. Poweramp refuses to apply skin. Reverts to default. Uninstalled, reinstalled, rebooted. Fails. Sent email.

Edited by Ash Roarshock
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I haven't seen the update yet on GPS. Last one I received was 1640 (177) on the beta channel.

EDIT: Updated tonight Jan. 31 and all seems normal. Although I didn’t have the missing labels, all layouts look clean.

Edited by MotleyG
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7 hours ago, Ash Roarshock said:

Nah. Completely broken now. Poweramp refuses to apply skin. Reverts to default. Uninstalled, reinstalled, rebooted. Fails. Sent email.

same problem, version V178... when select, PA show: "Skin failed: skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin, reseting to default" and switch do default native Theme...

BTW: separated launch YASP run app, possible go to YAPS Settings, Changelog, but click on YAPS button show same PA error message...

Edited by Beda
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