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Poweramp v3 beta-preview-build-790 - Not yet feature-complete, read first post before commenting


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2 hours ago, Crazy said:

He refused to take money

He refused to take money, so?

Programming a new paid version means, he would have to accelerate his development process and neglect his actual job. Maybe risking your fixed job is not worth earning some extra cash from app sales. 

There is no guarantee he's gonna sell enough new versions to make a living. There are even posts of people in this thread who'd like to stay on the old v2. The majority probably won't care, but maybe not everyone wants to pay again or is content with the new UI or gesture navigation.

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Hello everyone, new member here, first of all, I agree with some of the most recent posts and am happy this app is still somewhat kept alive, having paid a tiny amount of money many, many years ago doesn't entitle us to lifelong updates. 

That being said, as a Pixel 2 stock Android user, I found the Poweramp notification helper workaround incredibly annoying as it didn't work very well for me. I've been using the Google play version of Poweramp + unlocker only though. 

Now, since I have Android Pie, Poweramp just pauses itself after a minute or two, so basically it doesn't work anymore, I'm not sure why this is the case, I'm guessing the new battery optimizations kick in, maybe I haven't change the correct settings yet. (EDIT: changing some background battery restrictions seems to have solved the problem) 

Can any of you point me to a solution, would this beta work on Android P? I didn't even know about it until now. Or what's currently the best version overall? Is the alpha something different from the Google play version? 

Also, I was using Poweramp notification 1.20 and saw there's 1.40 already, I'll give that a try first before moving to the betas. (EDIT: 1.40 works a lot better but the play / pause button icon in the notification doesn't change when you press pause or play) 




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22 hours ago, Tristan Young said:

I am not all that surprised at the behaviour of some users.  Impatient, thinking they are owed stuff, etc.  Let's look at the details:

- People voted for a Material Design upgrade.  This doesn't make Poweramp truly better, but, sigh.... the majority want it.  Redesign and re-coding is required.

- Poweramp v2.x works great.  That's what people paid for.  It doesn't matter that it's several years old.  People got what they paid for.  Did I mention it works great?

- Poweramp v3.x is going to be a free upgrade.  That should be enough to keep people happy, but sadly, it isn't.

- Poweramp v3.x beta releases have been made available.  If you don't mind the bugs and lack of features, it might be enough for you.

- Max maintains Poweramp as a side interest.  He probably has another full-time job, and more important "family" obligations.  Developers have lives too.

- Life has a way of stirring up crap that has to be dealt with, causing other things to get shelved, delayed, and reduced in priority.  No doubt crap that's more important than Poweramp.

- Lots of people complaining about low rate of beta releases, lack of communications from the developer, and broken promises.  It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.  Really, it doesn't.

- Poweramp is not a rip, a circus tent, or a sham.  If that was true, we wouldn't have a beta release in April 2018.  Let's be honest.  You want something new, and the silence is uncomfortable.

- Max never has to do this, or do that.

- As the first post clearly states:  [Admin Reminder: Development timings are very hard to predict, so timescales can vary. Repeated ETA requests won't help speed up the process, and may even get your post removed as clutter]

I'm happy to have found a Poweramp v3 beta that works on my phone, and provides great sound.  I can depend on it.  It doesn't crash on me.  It has never let me down.  Would it be nice to have more?  Sure, why not?  But I'd rather Max take his time and get it right, while still being able to take care of the things that truly matter in his life, whether it's a wife/husband, kids, pets, a business where he might be responsible for employing people in turn helping them put a roof over their heads, food on the table, etc.

If you're not happy with the pace of Poweramp development, may as well move on to something else.  Complaining about it produces zero results.  There are lots of other music players available; perhaps you'll find one you like.  Or, you could write a killer music app of your own, release it, make money, and better the android platform.


To Max,
Thank you for creating Poweramp, and continue to develop/upgrade it.  Looking forward to the next release.  I don't care when it comes out.  Much respect dude.  If it never comes out, at least I got more than what I paid for - v2, and some v3 betas.  Hope everything is going well with you.



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39 minutes ago, utahman1971 said:

Si este fuera un trabajo real y tuviera un equipo y un gerente de proyecto involucrados, el proyecto se cancelaría debido a que no se cumplirían los plazos.

Quizás ..pero de lo que si estoy seguro es que de haber todo un equipo habría problemas con los intereses personales y económicos, eso se reducería a que hubiesemos pagado más y varias veces por el trabajo, al menos en cada subida de released, quizás Maxin...pase de todos esos rollos y por eso prefiera mantenerlo el solo y a su bola ya que es su proyecto, decisión que creo acertada según como se mire.

Un saludo.

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1 hour ago, Franc1sc0 said:

Quizás ..pero de lo que si estoy seguro es que de haber todo un equipo habría problemas con los intereses personales y económicos, eso se reducería a que hubiesemos pagado más y varias veces por el trabajo, al menos en cada subida de released, quizás Maxin...pase de todos esos rollos y por eso prefiera mantenerlo el solo y a su bola ya que es su proyecto, decisión que creo acertada según como se mire.

Un saludo.

Ahora... Contraresta ese comentario con el hecho de que la aplicacion ha vendido muy bien como para no tener un presupuesto para pagarle a los miembros del equipo

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10 hours ago, Garry_man said:

Hear thou, defender of the poor and the offended. What do you think of yourself, Amigo? Let's not go over to individuals, because you are no better than other people on the forum. It's about the author who does not understand why he makes impossible promises.

I was just saying that the theory doesn't match up ? nothing about garry_man or whether he is a troll or not ... Gosh u are really trying hard aren't you ???

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Why "Not today" means not even tomorrow or this week or even this month. If you say that it will be done in Monday you should be sure that it will be done in Monday. Ok, you can release it 1-2 days later because everything can happen but I'm sure it will be released not even this year.

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8 hours ago, utahman1971 said:

Exactly! We offered and he refused. So really it was his choice, not ours. I think the free upgrade was meant to take time slower. If we did pay for the upgrade he would have to go by what we asked. Customers that pay are the actual boss. If he wasn't planning on customers, then why the app in the first place? He could of just kept it free with no unlock app. If you sell something, then expect what is expected.

Exactly man, I don't mind the delays, i just hate that he doesn't have the guts to login and explain himself and has to go through someone else, like it ain't a big deal if we wait 5 more months but tell us to plus i don't think he's junior developer, but for a serious person ?

He's definitely not.

About payment he can make us pay like $1-3 to upgrade to v3 it'll help him and i wouldn't mind paying since it's the best audio experience on Android

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31 minutes ago, Garry_man said:

Enable common logic.

lmao, it's bad logic to make a claim that max is using dummy accounts without having any proof.

what makes you think he isn't in contact with someone other than andrew? 

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Max is the only dev on this project. I don't see how paying him will make the release happen faster... How can't you understand that this is his project? He owe you nothing and he can do whatever he want! Reality is: Even if it's not ready in two years, most of us would still buying it. 

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4 hours ago, Garry_man said:

No, it's the same person. He was offered to pay everything, I'm ready to pay, if it helps to accelerate the release of the product. For today, the situation looks like this - Max does not have anything, he can not release the player, because there is nothing to release. The best way out would be to sell the project or just close it for lack of ideas. It would be fair to the users.

Close it for lack of ideas?? We know u a troll fr sure don't prove it?

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2 hours ago, Garry_man said:

I already told you that you do not respect people. I did not promise anything to anyone, unlike Max.

Well you did not promise anything and have nothing to do with complaining or picking on max fr that reason.also . yes we are also waiting fr the update but we dont comment abt max being a traitor or stuff like that. People do such things fr two main reasons: either they have way too much free time or they are a fanboy of some rival music player or something like that.. you know very well what you are

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We all paid for V2. So little a price. V3 is but a bonus to all of us in which Max is not obligated to release anytime soon.  Oops, I'm echoing another user's post. Do some back-reading, please.

I understand everyone's point about Max not updating his users. That was the issue all along. Yes, everyone wants to hear from Max even to just say "hi" (kidding aside). But man, we have different personalities. Most likely, Max just want to focus on the development versus chatting here in the forum. Why can't we just wait? Why be impatient? Do some gardening, spend time with your dog, your wife, your friends... Then, take a glimpse of PA forum from time to time. Just my 2 cents... You'll be surprised V3 is already on its final phase, uploaded, etc.

Peace, y'all! ☮️

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Well. It hilarious that all of those that do not believe that Poweramp is alive or that Max can't be trusted check in almost everyday for the next beta ???. Stop being entitled people. He doesn't owe you explanations or anything other than the product that you bought as a snap in time whenever you bought it. It's quite the entertainment to read you all, though. ???

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3 minutes ago, Death-Dealer said:

This place is hilarious.  I check in everyday hoping for a new release as well...... Well that and for a good laugh.  I purchased Poweramp a long time ago upon it's android release, and would gladly pay $10 for each new big release.  It'll come, it will.....but till than the forum should be closed.  It really should


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