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YAPS goes where no other skin has gone before

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I love tweaking Poweramp, in an ongoing quest to get it to look and feel exactly as I want it to do.

I feel I am virtually there, but would appreciate a little help resolving a small issue, but one that frustrates me!

Here is a screenshot of one of my pages, by way of example:


As you can see, in the 'Information' bar which sits exactly on top of the three 'gold' play buttons, the legend, 'PRB MUSIC SELECTI' appears offset to the right by two characters or so.

I have done some preliminary research, and find that there is an ICON missing, which should appear to the right of the text, as follows:


The extra space in the information bar should be where a little icon showing what info is currently being displayed appears - it will show local details about playback (output method, source file properties, folder names, etc).
It has been suggested to me that, if this issue does not occur in the default skins, it's most likely to be something in the YAPS settings I use, which is preventing any one of the icons from appearing, whenever their respected local detail has been selected for display.
I have checked painstakingly through the YAPS setting, and those germane to the basic Poweramp app, but a solution is proving very elusive to come by!
All help / suggestions gratefully received! 
Thanking you, in anticipation, 
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@Wolksby Yes it is purely YAPS related and no one will be able to answer why the icons do not show. The reason is that you have selected an actual bitmap as background which overlays anything below it. Other backgrounds are created differently with colours etc.

As for the extra spaces, having investigated, it turns out it is the actual space taken up by the (invisible) icon and its  right margin


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@flyingdutchman Should the icon & text not be on a higher level layer than the background? Seems the logical point of a background layer.

I actually have similar issues with that icon space by the way. On mine, the background behind the tiny icon has always had a different opacity to the rest of the metadata line. I suspect that two opaque items are being overlaid on top of each other for the main text area background, making it twice as dark. My settings for most of the items are Blue/Grey 1000 Opaque. 


While I'm at it by the way, any reason for the angled gradient tones on the background of the elapsed and duration counters above? I don't think I've got any gradient set anywhere for just those items (they are all set to Blue/Grey 1000 Opaque) but I could have missed something.

And while I'm on roll (sorry!) the Duration counter seems to now be left-justified from its configured position, rather than the normal right-justified, so I need to move it in somewhat further than necessary so as to allow for longer values (h:mm:ss) not dropping off the edge of the screen. Same with the Track Counter, which should be centre-justified but appears to be set as left too - so what works for regular "n/nn" values looks wrong for "nnnn/nnnn" and vice versa.

image.png image.png


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7 hours ago, andrewilley said:

the icon & text not be on a higher level layer than the background

yes  ideally it should be but remember I have to work within what has been provided in the api

7 hours ago, andrewilley said:

two opaque items are being overlaid on top of each other

correct, it is the way this particular field is built up. there are several levels on top of eachother

7 hours ago, andrewilley said:

gradient tones on the background of the elapsed and duration counters

this is due to the fact it has a gradient circle which is in fact another layer below with a small edge sticking out thus giving the visual circle effect. When you set these to transparent, the underlyng layer still shows in full, no longer covering up the "circle" layer

8 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I need to move it in somewhat further than necessary

yes, this is related to the way the items are now positioned thus enabling them to move wherever you like. No longer are they centered in the layout. I guess there is a small price to pay for trying to push boundaries.:)

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2 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

it is the way this particular field is built up. there are several levels on top of each other

So which element should I set as a fully transparent background so I get a uniform amount of opacity behind both the metadata text and its associated icon?

2 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

this is due to the fact it has a gradient circle which is in fact another layer below with a small edge sticking out thus giving the visual circle effect. When you set these to transparent, the underlyng layer still shows in full, no longer covering up the "circle" layer

I can't see that I have any gradient circles enabled at all (searching for Gradient in settings shows that they are all turned off). Which option have I missed that I need to disable?

2 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

yes, this is related to the way the items are now positioned thus enabling them to move wherever you like. No longer are they centered in the layout.

This one is more concerning. This bug only appeared in a fairly recent update, prior to that justification was correct on both items - Duration was right-justified and Track Count was centred. As both of these are variable width elements - between 3 digits and 9 digits wide - they do need to have their justification properties set correctly within the layout.


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It's been fascinating reading further posts about - in my case - the 'case of the missing icon', because, as a user with no specific programming skills whatsoever, it's comforting to know that the said omission is not of my doing, but as @flyingdutchman confirmed, to do with YAPS, and the fact that I chose to have a bitmap background.

However, I am now perfectly happy with the outcome, and it has given me am opportunity to check out other available backgrounds instead.

Consequently this is my 'play' page now, and, because I always keep the metadata box on the one setting that I find useful, the fact that the icon is hidden, is not important to me. I resized it to its maximum, and I still think that the result is aesthetically pleasing - hidden icon or not. For me the use of a background image, rather than plain colour, far outweighs the hidden icon(s).

However, for the equaliser page, I have still gone with the background set to 'None', to ensure that it is totally uncluttered, even though it's a page that, once set, I don't refer to very often.

For my money, 'Poweramp + YAPS' is still a winning combination!



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20 minutes ago, flyingdutchman said:

t is set as part of the default options. Colour options, Circle

Hmm, I already have all the Colour Options 'Circle' section values set to flat as far as I can tell:

Stroke Color for app: none
Stroke Color for Track/Artist: Transparent
Music buttons icon colour: Blue 200
Button Arc Colours: all set to None


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@flyingdutchman Ah, so I wasn't going to find the right setting no matter how hard I looked. :)

The only other minor oddity I can think of now is that old one about the bounding box cropping the metadata line if I move it too far down the screen. I currently just move it up a bit, but the ideal place would be one position lower.



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25 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

The only other minor oddity I can think of now is that old one about the bounding box cropping the metadata line if I move it too far down the screen. I currently just move it up a bit, but the ideal place would be one position lower

I found the same, but like you I moved it up a couple of notches to keep it whole. Not sure if there is a way to move this layer to the top to avoid the cropping. 

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@flyingdutchman Hi, not sure from what version, but if active visualisation (partial or full) and song played, is not show duration&elapsed time elements.

If i switch to Poweramp native skin or another 3rd skin, then is show as normal, also i try delete all Poweramp and YAPS data, but problem is also with clean config.

Is this bug or is need additional setting to show?

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@flyingdutchman Excellent, thank you! I can confirm all the various minor niggles mentioned recently seem to be fixed now:

  • Mini-icons to the left of the metadata text now show with the same background opacity as the rest of the line
  • Duration item is now correctly right-justified, even for longer h:mm:ss tracks
  • Track Counter now anchored to centre for all count values (n/n up to nnnn/nnnn)
  • Elapsed/Duration counter backgrounds no longer have extra gradient effects
  • Metadata line can now be moved all the way down the screen without cropping

Thank you, looks great now!


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