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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by maxmp

  1. Poweramp v1-v2 (before alpha 700) used fixed point DSP, but only because some early Android devices had no FPU or it was too slow. When doing +15dB or more amplification on low frequencies, some biquad coefficients and intermediate values may require higher (than Float32, or, e.g. Q8.24 fixed) resolution to avoid adding any noise or intermediate clipping. Other than that, "normal" float32 is enough.
  2. @Barada thanks for the requests. This will be definitely added next time crossfade options are touched, and those are planned to be touched soon.
  3. @andrewilley Reverse already behaves this way (just reverses whatever sorting is there). I added re-sorting by full path, but it may fail for some cases (streams, provider-imported tracks) which has no real paths.
  4. @andrewz thanks for the report, will be fixed.
  5. Thanks for the report, but this is not reproducible for the current 981 build. I tested few skin options, but number of possible skin and general ui options is very high so it may be some specific option triggering that.
  6. @andrewilley scanner option is possible, though it will be applied globally to all files. May be the option should be tristate: disabled/enabled for all files/enabled for files without any tags.
  7. @DorodoroOne 1. You can disable that auto detection by disabling “no dvc for the absolute volume” option. This will only disable the absolute volume detection. 2. If hi-res output fails, you can use AudioTrack or AAudio outputs for the BT. Both are capable of LDAC 96khz.
  8. @romain8991 Poweramp DSP uses Float64 (double in c/c++) for the intermediate processing and Float32 (float) as much as possible in it’s pipeline staring from the decoding (most lossy formats decoded to Float32 directly).
  9. @Rudra what exactly do you mean by "album art searching"? Is this "Download Album Art" option or something else?
  10. @pocatello if possible please share the failing replay gain track with gpmaxmpz@gmail.com for tests. Also .aac and .mp4 containers are different, .aac usually uses id3v2 tagging scheme.
  11. @Inusama while that happens, does the preset name also contains small "S" icon? If so, it's a preset assigned to a song(s). You can unassign such preset, also song assigned presets are indicated in the lists via small gray metainfo preset label.
  12. Audio is “streamed” by the player app, so what’s the player? Does Equalizer detect the player at all for you? The hardware related logs are unrelated here, equalization happens in Android OS layer, not in “hardware”.
  13. @andrewilley Legacy File Access in the new Poweramp may be potentially faster and is fast for old Androids (5-10), but for the older Poweramps and/or Androids with legacy file access emulation via SAF (e.g. 11-12-13) it may be slower and may hide file formats not supported by the Android itself. Sometimes it's quite hard to describe the situation with the file access in Android, as each major release seems to change it radically internally, with various layers of emulation for the "older" APIs. Poweramp SAF scanner should be fast for fast storages anyway. If you have slow or bad storage, it may be slow, esp. on the concurrent access with other apps/system media scanner, freeze on some bad file, or crash player on bad block access.
  14. The filename part of the path depends on category type. For the non-stream tracks it would be this function: https://gist.github.com/maxmpz/6e83a36e16c3fd4fd7cfe1d5cd440f29 Where relevant PathUtils methods are here: https://gist.github.com/maxmpz/dab88451c0f54c6851074e7146cd5b8d
  15. @MotleyG ensure that Poweramp itself is installed on the internal storage (not moved to sdcard/external storage). Other than that, scan reads minimum amount of data from the files and if the device file subsystem can't handle reading few kilobytes per file, it's slow. Try different/recommended file system / ensure storage is not corrupted by checking for errors on PC or (better) reformatting it fresh as bad sd cards blocks cause massive unavoidable on app level lags on Android.
  16. Build 982: new Settings Shortcuts in Main Menu option AutoEq presets/devices database update bug fixes and stability improvements
  17. @SabbirZQ this could potentially happen if you just recently edited Artist or artist related info/tags and immediately navigated back to it - and no such artists exists anymore. It shouldn't happen again, if it does, please let me know.
  18. @sorosch thanks for the logs - the Shuffle/Repeat ignoring logic will be improved in the next build.
  19. @Dryst Poweramp has no control over BT (or audio overal) routing so if Android decides it should use Bluetooth audio now, all audio, including Poweramp will be redirected to that Bluetooth connection. Also, BT connection events (the ones which may trigger "Resume On *" options if enabled), BT button presses/commands, and BT audio routing are 3 different protocols which are not directly related and are handled independently by Android and Poweramp. To understand what exactly starts Poweramp, the "Last Processed Commands" log can be used, but it's either "Resume On*" options or BT RESUME command.
  20. I was able to reproduce this for one of MIUI devices I have, so I was able to add workaround for the issue - included into the next build. Thanks for the reports! Btw, AAudio is a bit more stable on some devices, but it's not better in quality in any way (and it shouldn't be) than e.g. Hi-Res output, so if Hi-Res output works fine (which is not always the case), just use Hi-Res output. For bluetooth, AudioTrack output also may support LDAC 96khz/24bit (depends on firmware, you can go to AudioTrack output and check if format/sample rate can be changed). Thanks!
  21. @romain8991 exclusive mode is intended for the low latency 48khz 16bit audio. We don't want that for music player as we want deeper (and thus adding more latency) buffer for low battery consumption and selectable higher resolution formats/sample rates for the appropriate hi-res content. Not sure what you mean by push mode and why we may want that. Thanks!
  22. @soundpimp This is very specific OP firmwares bug. If possible I'll add some workaround. Thanks for the report. From the quick investigation it seems that OP reserves too wide gesture exclusion area on the edges.
  23. @Shafeer Painkal thanks for the log, yes, this is not a background kill issue, but some instability of the AAudio output for this firmware/Android level.
  24. @Nexaz OneUI 5.0 generally supports DVC for sample rates up to 192khz. For One UI 6.0 Samsung changed one config line and allowed it to run on 384khz as well on many devices. I guess you won't hear difference between 192khz and 384khz sample rates, but you may clearly hear difference for DVC vs non-DVC modes (esp. if you amplify basses), so I would suggest using 192khz or lower sample rate in this case.
  25. Build 981: new Background Gradient, Background Gradient Color, Background Gradient For Lists options menu shortcuts for the recently used Settings pages and Settings Shortcuts in Main Menu option hex color support in color dialogs bug fixes and stability improvements
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