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  1. What I found was that if the artist tag ends in a space, the resulting image filename will still have only a single space before the dash in the filename. I'm not trying to reverse-engineer it the other way, I'm trying to do the same thing Poweramp does to find the appropriate images for a given song file. What I've managed to find right now is this, and while it seems to work, I'd like to know if this is actually equivalent to what Poweramp does internally. SPECIAL_CHARS = # windows disallowed '<>:"/\\|?*' + # found myself '()[]&\'' special_chars_rx = f'[{re.escape(SPECIAL_CHARS)}]' aa_fname_single = f'{re.sub(special_chars_rx, '_', artist_tag).strip()} - {re.sub(special_chars_rx, '_', title_tag).strip()}.jpg' aa_fname_album = f'{re.sub(special_chars_rx, '_', artist_tag).strip()} - {re.sub(special_chars_rx, '_', album_tag).strip()}.jpg' if os.path.isfile(aa_fname_album): # embed aa_fname_album into the song file elif os.path.isfile(aa_fname_single): # embed aa_fname_single into the song file
  2. Whenever I search for something that could match the text "Unknown album"/"Unknown genre"/"Unknown composer", these entries show up in the search results, which can be annoying, especially when searching for anything that matches the text "Unknown". It clutters up the search results a lot IMO. I also don't see why these categories exist in the first place, but that's a different story I guess.
  3. I'm writing a script to (semi-)automatically embed covert art files from selected_aa into the song files themselves, and I'd like some clarification on how exactly Poweramp selects image files for a track. It seems as though it first tries to look for an image file with the name {artist tag content} - {album tag content}.jpg and if that file isn't found, it looks for the filename {artist tag content} - {title tag content}.jpg , ignoring the albumartist field entirely. I've also noticed the tag contents had leading/trailing whitespace removed, and special characters replaced with underscores. I've found the characters []()&/"\' but I'm not sure if that's all of them. Is this correct? Or is there more to it? It's hard for me to confirm because I have a lot of files to go through, and there's also some leftover album art that's not in use anymore (from deleted/retagged songs). Thanks in advance!
  4. Sounds like a lot of work to fix a minor annoyance. I suppose I could try to manually edit the database file myself instead, however it'd be neat if some kind of "soft rescan" could be introduced that could fix these kinds of things, perhaps specific to single artists/albums/genres only so it doesn't take too long. ... that is if the database file is accessible without requiring root access, which doesn't seem to be the case... - Is there any other place apart from /Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer that file might be located?
  5. I noticed I had by accident incorrectly capitalised an artists name in a few songs, however after having fixed those entries the name of the artist entry is left unchanged. Hitting "Rescan" in the menu for the artist in question had no effect.
  6. Oh god it's one of those bugs... Yeah I understand, let's just hope that will be resolved one day because this is still pretty much the only way of properly backing up an app in its entirety that does not require root access. Just one question; When I export settings/data through that option in the app, will it also export the Recently Played list?
  7. If this was done intentionally I suppose this should be considered a feature request, but I can't think of any reason as to why this would be intentional so I'm assuming the opposite. The allowBackup=false flag in the manifest file prevents adb backup from backing up Poweramp settings and data. It would be a lot more convenient to be able to use this utility since it, unlike other methods of backing up one's phone, does not require root access.
  8. When listening to music, it is incredibly annoying to be constantly interrupted by an incoming notification. For navigation messages however, it is very important for the music to pause/duck so the instructions are audible clearly. At this point in time, it is not possible to choose what type of short audio focus changes cause a pause/duck in volume, so the only option as of right now is to allow all short audio focus changes to interrupt the music that is playing. I would suggest to introduce a new toggle in the settings to disable pause/ducking for incoming notifications only.
  9. Running Poweramp (Full Version) build 911 on Android 11 on a OnePlus 7T. When editing tags like title/artist for the song that is currently playing, the audio glitches for a few seconds and then skips to the next song. Everything works fine after that (the tags updated correctly, the next song plays normally, I can still play the previous song, etc.). This does not happen when editing the genre tag.
  10. Running Poweramp (Full Version) build 911 on Android 11 on a OnePlus 7T. The album art search/picker dialogue does not show up when trying to access it on a song from the search view. I don't really know anything else to add.
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