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Poweramp for PC


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  • 3 months later...

I think Poweramp for pc would be great i never bought an app before until Poweramp聽 it was worth speding money for running emulator is taking a lot of processor and it will be difficult to import music聽聽

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  • 4 months later...

A little late to thread with no solution at hand unfortunately. However, the engagement that Windows and Android have finally announced, I hope brings more Android on board once they get married. It is the next logical step for Windows otherwise, it will eventually get left behind as hard as that may be to imagine. Where is Motorola? Nokia?(Nokia IS a different ballgame as they are very diversified) They both should of been where Apple and Samsung as the example for Android, should be today.聽

Windows had no choice in their decision IMHO. I realize this does not answer the immediate question asked in this thread but in time I am hoping that emulators and everything they could potentially bring with them, will no longer be needed. It is a win win for both sides. Android would benefit by having exposure to one of the largest platforms in the world. Windows well, the creativity is gone in that company and they seem to be afraid of change. Windows needs the boost that Android could bring. Unlike Jobs, when he returns, cryogenically聽frozen and there is a portion of their monies going towards a lab within the "Steve Jobs Theatre" to bring him back, the question remains when? How much ass is he going to kick around.....lol....knowing today the character he carried around Apple like an M-60. I truly hope to see that day. I am no Apple fan, but you have to give it to the guy, he took nothing and made it one of聽at times the biggest money makers in the world.

Back to reality, I look forward to seeing how the engagement will go and hopefully Windows won't choke off Android like a jealous spouse, and the marriage happens smoothly and we all finally get Poweramp on our damn laptops without the possibility of threats!! I'm talking clean install right from Poweramp.

Please, if I am mistaken and there is an extremely "clean" way of doing it while being able to use, instead of exposing聽nas and聽drives as previously mentioned in this thread, please enlighten me.聽

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Windows and Android aren't 'merging', they are completely separate animals for different purposes. In fact one of the biggest problems Windows faced in recent years was trying to make the interface too mobile/touch friendly, with disastrous results and a generally poorer experience for real computer users. Same goes with website design IMHO.

Any facility to run Android apps within Windows would be either be via an emulator (either third-party or from Microsoft, but it will still be an emulator)聽or by remote screen access where聽your phone actually runs聽the app and you see the results on your computer screen,聽such as the recent Your Phone update. There's no technical reason that emulators can't access any storage that your PC can access (internal drives or NAS) by the way, it's just down to how they are written and configured.


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Honestly, I don't know why you would want Poweramp on PC as there's already robust softwares on music player / management with lots of features and customizations that I think even Poweramp doesn't have. Similar to many apps on android will probably never have its PC port because there are already softwares for those same functions with more sophisticated features.

If you want some PC music software recommendations:

- The legendary Winamp : https://getwacup.com/聽 <- Winamp v5.666 with community bug fixes.

- AIMP :聽https://www.aimp.ru/ <- solid winamp replacement, switched to it years ago and never looked back (my main music player on PC). Also has android port but it's inferior to Poweramp (in my opinion).

- Foobar2000 : https://www.foobar2000.org/ <- music player and management software, super customizable, tons of features, and surprisingly very lightweight too. The only downside is that the learning curve is pretty steep to get used to it.

Those three are the main music softwares on Windows PC that I've used, there are more like MusicBee, MediaMonkey, iTunes (kind of a must if you own iPhone anyway), which I haven't tried.

Edited by monkeybutt
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I ditched music playing on the laptop years ago, only thing I use the PC for is CD ripping and organizing.聽 All music playing is done from the phone, quite often streaming through Chromecast Audio or through some Bluetooth device.

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For home use I use Logitech Media Server on the PC (or MAC or Linux). It supports multiple simultaneous renderers that can either be synced or play separate streams concurrently. Renderers can be ethernet or wifi, It has all the capability of Poweramp and more. Stuff like Smart Replaygain so you don't have to manually switch from album to track depending on whether you're playing playlists or albums, supports multiple Artist / Album Artist tagging, SQL Playlists where you can set up stuff like genre(s) + BPM(s) + Year(s), iTunes integration, Tidal and other site streaming聽integration, multiple concurrent control points so the kids can control their renderer(s) while mom and dad can control their renderer(s) simultaneously through any web browser on your network or from an android / iOS app on your phone and music streams are delivered bit perfect to the renderers. Every imaginable music file format is supported - MP3, FLAC, AAC.AIFF, WAV, etc (DRM protected not supported).

For on the go on my android phone with with headphones or in the car, Poweramp can't be beat.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I decided to follow a completely different path. I kept聽an old net pc (an Asus eeePc 1005) with no use (I upgraded it from W7 to W10 and it was sloooow...). So I replaced its old hard disk with an SSD, erased Windows, and installed Android x86 (Lineage OS). I use it now with Poweramp as a dedicated player for all my music files, and it flies.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I am FOR the Windows Power Amp applications.聽

This is because:

Poweramp is an amazing app for my android phone, I'm sure many agree.聽

One does not want to dabble with other softwares when it COULD be kept in-house.

The way iTunes can sync music from the Desktop library to a device is what the Poweramp Windows application should do!

I'm sure we all have great music collections. But at the moment we are stuck manually copying songs to our phone.

It can be done and it should be done!聽

Kind Regards

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