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Customizable rewind buttons

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So a new version of Poweramp has rolled out, which added a +10/-10 rewind buttons, and I really love it.

However, one thing that I would really appreciate is the ability to customize how long the rewind is, like 5 seconds or 15 seconds etc.

Also, kudos to the dev for implementing this much needed feature.

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I agree it also would be nice to be able to customise just a bit. For example my own default operation in my media devices (PC player, Kodi, etc) is to have the back function set to skip backward by 10 seconds, while forward is set to jump by 30 seconds. I would suggest that 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 seconds in either direction would be more than flexible enough. Not critical or anything, but it would be nice to have some finer control (and the little icon in the Player screen could contain the number that the user has pre-selected).


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