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  1. I'm talking about lyrics supplied by plugins. While continuously listening to a URL, the metadata changing event of the stream can be taken as a reference for track starting time, then it may be possible to show synced lyrics for streams too. Also the supplied lyrics for the previous track can be cleared and send the lyrics request broadcast for the new track(ACTION_NEED_LYRICS). I'm not sure about the reliability of this method, may be buffering, or audio processing delay could affect the reference time point and may spoil the syncing. here is a link I tested: https://stream-156.zeno.fm/agtp9c146qzuv
  2. When the visualization fades the player controls after the 'UI Timeout,' it appears in full-screen mode but continues to display the status bar. The option to hide the status bar in the 'Look and Feel' settings hides it throughout the player activity. I am looking for a method to hide the status bar only when the visualization is dominant on the screen.
  3. Thanks for the responses. Setting the "Lyrics Item In The Track Menu" to 'Open 3rd part app' just shows the lyrics in a BottomSheetDialog. Which can only show embedded lyrics. I found the `com.maxmpz.audioplayer.ACTION_NEED_LYRICS` broadcast is sent only when the track don't have any lyrics to show. I'm using build-981-bundle-play [981004-ed39e1a4] Full version 64 bit. Also if possible add an option to edit the embedded lyrics.
  4. Right now lyrics can be fetched with a plugin only if no lyrics are presently available(or not embedded in file) for the track. Some of my music files have embedded plain lyrics and I'm unable to choose synced lyrics for them with a plugin. Also some websites put their URL or some other text in lyrics field which makes impossible to fetch lyrics with plugin. So I'm looking for a way to set prefer lyrics from a plugin.
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