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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by flyingdutchman

  1. @greynolds looking at hiding the albumart in the header, I realise this had already been implemented previously but when maxmp introduced a similar feature in presenting the library views, my approach became redundant. I have revived it but just for the albumart in the headers


    as for thext sizes, It is almost (if not totally) impossible to ensure items do not overlap when large fonts are used. There are just too many display sizes out there. The only solution is to hide certain artifacts. Quite willing to look at maximising it for your device(s) so please send sceenshots by email. For maintenance issues I prefer emails rather than the forum.


  2. @maxmp i like your <rant mode> </rant mode> tags. I agree google seems to be determined to get rid of external sdcards and with each new release they try and fix the screw up of the previous one. I think in the end they will have to relent as too many apps will not be a able to implement the new requirements. As an example, android 10 _DATA was deprecated, android 11 it is back!. Same with libraries apps use. What a mess!! Feels like the uk government is in charge 🤣🤣


  3. 2 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    I notice you added the scaling animation between playback and pause states for the metadata lines and time displays, however the direction seems reversed compared to the default skins.

    That said, the default skins behaviour seems a bit inconsistent anyway: cover art, the metadata line, the track counter, and the two time displays all get larger when playing and shrink when paused, but the control buttons are reversed and they shrink when playing. I never noticed that before! 🤔

    In $YAPS$ it's completely reversed though, only the control buttons grow when playing, while everything else shrinks when playing. Personally I think it would be neater and more consistent if all of the scaled elements behave the same way, ideally growing during playback and shrinking when paused.

    The weird things you start to notice when you look at things closely...


    My aim was to make the elapsed/duration, metadata and track counter behave the same when playing. The scaling goes from 0.8 to 1.3.  Lower than 1 makes the fields retreat, 1 keeps them static, above 1 they "advance"  

    so " growing during playback and shrinking when paused" is what you get with a value > 1

  4. V121 Released

    What's new:

    A few user requests:

    - default Pwramp library icons

    - replaced the blue library icons with a new gradient set with simple graphics

    - Added ability to swap track and album/artist positions

    - Added option to set track, album/artist text to scroll or static

    - New slider for the equaliser, with indicator

    further bug fixes, layout adjustments

    As always, any issues, get in touch by email


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