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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by flyingdutchman

  1. Latest release V145 has been published on Google Play. Keep an eye out as tt may take some time for it to show.

    The gradient is created by setting a start colour, mid colour and an end colour. The spread of the colours can be altered by changing the angle of the gradient and/or changing the X and/or Y positions

    At the moment there are 26 colours to choose from giving you 263   (17576) possible combinations so you can create your own unique background


  2. Coming up in the next version:

    for each main group of colours, I have added a gradient colour.  So an additional 25 gradient colours giving over 200 colours to choose from. 

    The big difference wih similar offerings in other skins is that you can apply different gradients to different elements so it is totally up to you where  you apply a colour or gradient colour.

    below and example



  3. @andrewilley i did work on the playbuttons. Now each button uses one defined parent style rather than each button having its own. Code becomes a lot easier to maintain that way.

    I will check the pause button.

    As for the gradient grey, i created those using adobe illustrator which creates vector images. These types of images can scale without losing definition, unlike bitmaps or .png.  Android Studio is able to import these but then you cannot change them.

  4. @maxmp, I was not able to post in Developers area hence this post here. Basically a request for help/assistance

    After my latest upgrade of $YAPS$ skin (v138) recently some users made me aware that the spectrums no longer loaded and defaulted to Poweramp - spectrum-centered. 

    To make a long story short, it turns out that the Gradle update from

    classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.3'
     classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.2.0'

    causes the problem. 

    below some stacktrace

    05-14 10:24:50.796 3579-3579/? W/SkinnableThemeManager: Loading skin=/data/app/skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin-1/base.apk
    05-14 10:24:52.212 3579-3579/? E/SkinInfo: fillFromXml bad tag=resources at Binary XML file line #2 app=skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin
    05-14 10:24:52.227 3579-3579/? E/SkinInfo: fillFromXml bad tag=resources at Binary XML file line #2 app=skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin
    05-14 10:24:52.246 3579-3579/? E/SkinInfo: fillFromXml bad tag=resources at Binary XML file line #2 app=skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin

    05-14 10:24:55.037 3579-23702/? E/Loader.cpp: loadPreset bad uri= apk://skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin#cyberia.milk  parse res=1 scheme size=0 uri frag size=0 fragmentOpt size=0
    05-14 10:24:55.037 3579-23702/? E/MilkRenderer: preset=null, failed to load= apk://skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin#cyberia.milk  frag=null trying=Poweramp - spectrum-centered

    it is worth noting that the error:

    05-14 10:24:52.246 3579-3579/? E/SkinInfo: fillFromXml bad tag=resources at Binary XML file line #2 app=skins.v3.Poweramp.apowerampskin

    shows even when things work as expected.

    Reverting back to 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.3' resolves the issue


  5. @Kronep a few points, ratings are saved by Poweramp but only in a playlist. The number of times played is not though. However my app new playlist manager has functionality to backup and restore ratings and times played. It also has functionality to read and write ratings to the popm tag of the track itself. You may find reading and writing to the popm tag does not work for music located on an external sdcard under android 11.

    Update: just tested the reading popm and update Poweramp Ratings and it works fine. (one small issue under android 11 wjich does not affect the updating, but will be resolved)

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