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Root powers to Poweramp please, ExternalSD needs you.


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My tab 4 7" has different hardware than a tab 4 10" and is supposedly more difficult to root. There is no USB debugging at all. Perhaps I obtained the wrong images, but my "recovery" attempts only hang on "downloading....."

My built in file manager at first would not move files, but I /could/ copy and then delete the original. Now it will move and also allow me to delete files on external. Sad thing is if I search (say for "n7p") I can see millions of files but no edit options appear. Argh.

well I for one want to beg for access to the externalSD. How will I get my songs into the right "Album"? How Will I delete my live tracks? I am homeless and habe no PC...I hate not being able to DL 20 Gig Lecture packs. About 1.5 is all I can do at once. But I will buy Poweramp again for this feature gladly. I need to dump my old email someday soon anyway.

Probably I will move over to a windows tab since I am getting angry at how Apple programming is on my machine, I don't use Adobe I am all Macromedia.

Thanks hope its okay this is a new topic...I am disappointed only one other request is up but thanks either way it works, I love great software.

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This is an Android (specifically KitKat) limitation, not a Poweramp one. If you can't root your device to fix it, then regular apps won't be able to get write-access to the SD Card contents. The only other work-around is to store your music on internal device storage rather than an external card.

See the FAQ at http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/326024-can-t-edit-delete-files-on-sd-card-android-4-4.


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