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Add a Library Category for Publisher/Label


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Hi folks,

I'm here to ask if you can add a new Library Category for publisher/record label (represented by the TPUB frame in Id3v2 specification), it can be useful for any one that listen to music published by labels with a strong musical identity (DG, ECM, Warp, etc), plus the field is automatically filled by automatic taggers like Musicbrainz Picard (that I highly suggest) so it can be useful for users that use this type of software too.

Thank you for your work!

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4 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I don't think PA currently reads that field into its database (although there's no reason why it can't, perhaps @maxmp could add it?) so any such change would require a Full Rescan of your music collection.


Yes, I saw that recently in build #874 the composer field editing has been added (and there is already a Library Category for Composers), since Composer is an Id3v2 frame too (TCOM) maybe some programming logic can be reused?

Does a full libary rescan constitute a risk about something? Or is it just a matter of time? 

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12 hours ago, Kundun said:

Does a full libary rescan constitute a risk about something? Or is it just a matter of time? 

It should just refresh everything, but yes it can take a few minutes (or more) for larger file lists.

Potentially it could cause issues with internal playlists (export them first, just in case), play counts, ratings, etc. although they should be retained.


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  • 7 months later...

Publisher , Copyright, id3 v2 tags 🙏

With the ability to Edit these same tag fields in PA too.

As a Library list option these would likely be disabled from view by default to avoid superfluous scrolling. Allow the user to enable it in List options.

Old related topic: https://forum.powerampapp.com/topic/309-extended-tags-publisher-composer-copyright-etc/


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