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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by andrewilley

  1. Great, glad I could help. Sometimes these things can take a bit of getting your head around to start with, but once you understand how the underlying detection logic works (filename and one folder name) it's not too hard to manually edit playlists so they can work on multiple devices even. Which of course was the point of the logic in the first place, so playlist files containing (for example) full Windows paths can still be used. Andre
  2. Excellent, glad you're happy with it. Mine was actually cheaper than the Samsung effort too - even after being sent from China! And the lead seems a bit more robust, but still as flexible, which is a bonus too. The only downside I've noticed is occasionally you can hear momentary background RF interference when the phone is seeking for a new cell signal (we're in a weak coverage area at home) but if it does happen, it only lasts for a few seconds. I've no idea why they seem to be so hard to find over here in UK/Europe, all the ones on Amazon/etc are the same sort of poor quality as the Samsung/Google/etc adapters (I tried several before someone pointed me in the direction of Chi-Fi products). Andre
  3. See Max's previous reply. Has the scan completed correctly or it is still trying in the background? Have you blocked Android's scanner from also trying to scan the same audio files (using a .nomedia file in whatever folder you have saved your music into)? Andre
  4. Make sure you have not enabled Settings=>Library=>Lists=>Filename as Title. Andre
  5. You can use the row of buttons along the top of the Presets list to display only your user-defined presets. They will be in alphabetical order, so if you have quite a few you could rename any particular favourites so they show at the top of the list if you want. Andre
  6. You can change the available extra buttons provided in the Android Auto interface (and for notifications etc) using PA Settings=>Misc=>Buttons. Like/Dislike are two of the available options. Andre
  7. Poweramp should not start playing unless you ask it to (for example by connecting a headset, or pressing a button). What specific action seems to trigger it to starting playing for you? Andre
  8. Yes, I agree it would probably have been simpler and tidier in hindsight to have put all your singles files into one named subfolder in the first place. That's what I do in fact. Now might be as good a time as any to neaten that up, while it's fresh in your mind. First, rename that new 'Music' folder to a more intuitive name like 'Singles'. The next background rescan in Poweramp will spot the new location and put the songs back into your Library using their newly revised path. Of course doing so will break your existing Playlist again (sorry!) as the files will no longer be found directly in a folder called 'Music'. There are a couple of fairly simple fixes for that though, both of which are one-off tasks, one within Poweramp and the other externally: If the playlist contains only all the files from the new Singles folder, you could just add the correct song references to the end of your (currently-broken) playlist in Poweramp and then remove the old incorrect/orphaned entries. Go into the Library view and choose the Folders or Folders Hierarchy Category. Long-press on the new 'Singles' folder in the resulting list so that it is ticked, then tap '+Playlist', and finally tap on the name of the required playlist. That will add all of the songs from that folder onto the end of the playlist. Now all you need to do is remove the old broken entries. Open the playlist from the 'Playlists' Category. Long-press on the first incorrect item in the list so it is ticked, then scroll down to the last incorrect item and long-press on that. All the items in between will now be selected, then just tap Delete. All done. There is second method, which might be more suitable if you have omitted some songs from the list, or created them in a particular playback order that you want to retain. Open the actual M3U playlist file in an external text editor (just like you did earlier in this thread) and use the editor's Replace-All feature to correct the faulty path references. Based on your screenshot above, I would change "/storage/00BE-0446/Music/" to the new (non-SD Card) path "/Music X/Singles/" which will be fine for Poweramp. I would suggest doing this with a copy of the file rather than the original, so you've still got the first version just in case it all goes horribly wrong! Note: if there are any songs from other folders, those should still work due to PA's scanning rules that we've discussed, but you may wish to tweak any such lines manually to remove the '/Singles' reference just for a bit of slightly OCD tidiness. Andre
  9. Well none of those will work if you have now changed the master Music folder name, as you placed all of those audio files directly inside the SD Card's root-level folder Music , rather than the normal process of them then being inside a tidy structure of further subfolders inside Music (e.g. separate subfolders for Genres, Artists, Albums, etc). Thus the folder Music would in this case be the first level of containing folder, and that's what Poweramp will be trying to match. So for example it would be looking for a file called Summertime.mp3 located directly inside any folder that it can find in your designated storage area called Music. I assume that only some of your collection is stored this way, most of it is in specific named subfolders? The simplest solution for the above single files (other than just using the system Music folder on your new phone) would be to move any audio files which previously existed directly within the Music folder (which you have now named Music X) into their own additional subfolder called Music so the matching rules would now work Thus the path to those singles files would become something like /Music X/Music/Summertime.mp3. Andre
  10. @dsg You can upvote this Feature Request here (once you've reached two posts and two days as a member): Andre
  11. If you enable MusicFX in Poweramp, external processing of its output should be possible. Not always a good idea though as it may limit some of PA's features (you may find high-res is not compatible for example). Andre
  12. Settings=>Library=>Scanner=>Symbols to Split Mutiple Artists. See the final section of this Guide for more info: Andre
  13. And to edit/view a playlist file in a text editor, just right-click in it and open with a text editing program (Notepad, WordPad, MS Word, etc) Andre
  14. I would ignore the computer stuff, just copy the files which worked over from your old phone. Don't copy anything from the android/data/ hierarchy. You can also use the Settings=>Export Settings/Data feature on your old phone, and then import just the playlists part into the new phone. Andre
  15. Could you perhaps post a copy of one of your playlist files? It will be plain text, so can be cut'n'pasted into your message from a text editor. If a playlist file worked within a Playlists folder on your old device, copying it to a similar Playlists folder on your new phone should work fine too. Googling it, VLC media player can use playlists with the extender .VLC, but it doesn't seem to offer them in its "Save Playlist to File" dialogue box which offers four standard choices: M3U8 would be the safest format to choose, as that uses 'Unicode' text encoding which supports a huge number of international character sets rather than just basic alphanumeric letters and numbers. I've just tried creating a playlist in VLC, and it seems to be treating spaces as percent-encoded - i.e. any spaces in filenames are changed to "%20" (the ASCII code for a space being hex 0x20). Poweramp won't read that layout, as it expects filenames to quoted normally. VLC saved M3U8 file: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:237,Paul Simon - The Boy in the Bubble Paul%20Simon/Graceland/01%20-%20The%20Boy%20in%20the%20Bubble%20-%20Paul%20Simon.mp3 #EXTINF:289,Paul Simon - Graceland Paul%20Simon/Graceland/02%20-%20Graceland%20-%20Paul%20Simon.mp3 #EXTINF:191,Paul Simon - I Know What I Know Paul%20Simon/Graceland/03%20-%20I%20Know%20What%20I%20Know%20-%20Paul%20Simon.mp3 #EXTINF:163,Paul Simon - Gumboots Paul%20Simon/Graceland/04%20-%20Gumboots%20-%20Paul%20Simon.mp3 Corrected M3U8 file: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:237,Paul Simon - The Boy in the Bubble Paul Simon/Graceland/01 - The Boy in the Bubble - Paul Simon.mp3 #EXTINF:289,Paul Simon - Graceland Paul Simon/Graceland/02 - Graceland - Paul Simon.mp3 #EXTINF:191,Paul Simon - I Know What I Know Paul Simon/Graceland/03 - I Know What I Know - Paul Simon.mp3 #EXTINF:163,Paul Simon - Gumboots Paul Simon/Graceland/04 - Gumboots - Paul Simon.mp3 VLC is also outputting relative paths, but Poweramp should not be concerned about that as it resolves file locations based solely on the exact filename and the first level of containing folder. So in the above example, as long as a file called "01 - The Boy in the Bubble - Paul Simon.mp3" can be found inside any subfolder in your music collection called "Graceland", that should be sufficient to provide a match. In fact, all PA needs are the actual filename lines, the #EXT... metadata lines are ignored. Whether your top master folder is called Music or Music X does not matter at the resolving stage, as it will be ignored anyway. However if you edit the folder name later, you'd need to re-run 'Rescan/Resolve Playlists' to discover the new file locations. The following Guide might help too: Andre
  16. There's a bit more background discussion in this Guide, which might help: Andre
  17. As streaming stations don't require any concept of an 'album' being played (they are generally individual song based) that field is used to identify the station name. Otherwise, once the Title and Artist fields have been updated remotely per song, you would not be able to identify what station is in use - either at the time of listening or later in lists. If your scrobbling detection software in use reads the album name field, then yes I guess it would receive the station name. Andre
  18. Most likely the Album Artist tag in one of the files for that album does not exactly match with the other songs from the same album. PA groups songs into albums based on the Album Title AND Album Artist tags. Andre
  19. I would suggest simply copying the plain M3U (or M3U8) files from your old device's Playlists folder to the new one. As long as the song filenames and their first level of containing folder are the same as on your old device, that should work and a Full Rescan will remove all the extra confusion and leave you with just the M3U playlists. Andre
  20. I don't know the exact prioritisation order for all Categories, but yes an EQ Preset for a named subfolder will override a more general Genre Catgeory Preset. And a Preset for one specific song will override all other Presets. Andre
  21. And this is only for playlists? Has the rest of your music library been scanned correctly? (so All Songs is populated with all of your music, complete with Titles, Artists, Album names, etc). Andre
  22. If you can see the playlists, but the songs within them consist of just filenames rather than the song title/artist/album/etc, then it usually means the audio files that were referenced in the M3U(8) playlist file could not be found when the last scan took place. As long as the Library is now properly populated with your songs from their new storage location (check the 'All Songs' Category) probably all you will need to do is open the Playlists category and choose 'Rescan / Resolve Playlists' from the three-dots menu. If that does not work, try doing Settings=>Library=>Full Rescan. Andre
  23. No, it's not currently possible to assign any preferences - such as 'List Options' controls, or EQ Presets - to a whole hierarchy of folders and subfolders. You can only assign options for the song files contained directly within one folder at a time. However you can assign an EQ Preset to a whole Genre (or any other Category). Open the Genre view that you wish to control, and select 'All Genre Songs' at the top of the list, and tap on a song to start playback of that genre's songs. From that point you can go into the EQ screen, make your slider adjustments, and then use three-dots-menu=>Save/Assign to create a new named Preset which you can assign for all songs in that Genre by ticking the box at the end of the list. Andre
  24. When you open a new category, Poweramp will load the cover artwork for the songs (or albums) in real time - either from images embedded within the audio files or from already-saved image files in Poweramp's cache folders. Thus if you quickly scroll down a long category - for example the All Songs list, or a long playlist - you will see the artwork visibly populate as you move through the list. A certain amount of recently used covers can remain present in memory during the current session - so if you scroll back up a list, or return to a just-viewed category, you may see the images displayed immediately - but it would be hugely wasteful to even try to keep an entire music library's worth of artwork in memory at one time. Andre
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