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Change start page to all songs.


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You're right @andrewilley  It may not be useful in a sense. But, it's is a purely an aesthetic feature. I'm sure many people will prefer that. I don't say I wanna make it a default for everyone but still I'd like to have the option. The solution@6b6561 gave works for the button in the now playing page but still my Poweramp still starts at and exits from the library page. The reason I don't like it is that the library page is dull, but the music artwork I have is colorful. So I like to see that at startup. Most music players have tabs that can be switched by swiping left and right like the artists, album, tracks and so and so... and the person using it can choose whatever tab it starts at.

Its good to have an option to customize to fit the needs of different people.

And I definitely don't want to see the now playing page and the library page at startup.

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Sounds like you have changed the option for Settings > Look and Feel > Start at Library, but you haven't yet made 'All Songs' your default library starting page.

Go into the top level Library view, tap the three-dots menu icon (top right) and choose List Options. Then long-press on whatever category you want to use for your main Library view, thus (note the extra icon that now appears to the left of All Songs):



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