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Save as - queue


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I use power amp to listen ppdcast, I have them ordered by folders or playlists. The problem is, when I change from one ppdcast program to another, I don't know how to resume the previous playlist because I don't know where I left listening that program.

I think it could be nice adding a feature to the playlists to keep the position of last playback, by colouring listened items or something similar.

This features are present in the queue so a solution could be adding the option to "save as" to the queue.

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While you are viewing any Playlist in the library screen, tap the three-dots icon and then List Options and you can set both Per-List and Per-Track position saving. This setting is individual to each library category view,  so if you change it for Playlists it won't affect Album, Folder, etc views.


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Yes, but when i return to another playlist how can i resume it? There is no option and no signal to know which is the last track played like im the queue.

Also, what is the difference between the two options you refeer?

Thanks a lot

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