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Notification buttons greyed out


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Dear Poweramp community:

I got an annoying bug on my phone related to Poweramp.

I am using a Zuk Z2 Pro (Z121) with Stock ZUI 2.3.044 ST (Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow) rom (rooted) and Poweramp Alpha Version 703.

My problem: If I hit the play button via Poweramp the notification gets displayed normally in the notification bar. As soon as I hit one of the buttons in the notification bar (eg next track), it loads the new song but I suddenly can't control the music anymore because the buttons get grayed out and the song tags suddenly disappear. I added a screenshot as reference.

As a car phone holder user the notification bar was pretty handy for me because I could just swipe down and change tracks, but now I can't anymore...

Anyone else with this problem?


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Works for me, I can pause/play and next/prev track from the Notification panel, and the cover image and title/artist/album text all update accordingly. Changes in Marshmallow (and Nougat) do seem to have introduced some issues though, so it could be that. (My main device is still on KitKat 4.4.2 as nothing I've seen in the material design updates has made me especially keen to change. I'm probably going to have to for high-res audio though :( )


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I wanted to dare an upgrade to nougat to see if the problem persists, but I have to wait for files to flash it manually for my phone... As of now it doesn't work and I really hope anyone with the same phone as me can report something that works. Gonna ask it at the local zukfans forum if this problem also occurs with other music players (I uninstalled the stock one since I only use Poweramp)

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I think once Max is done with his year-long pilgrimage into the world of building a Material Design interface (hopefully we should see the results next month) he may need to go back and look at a number of issues that have cropped up with recent marshmallow and nougat releases.

Of course a number of these issues (including maybe this one?) will hopefully get resolved by the fact that the whole interface code has been rebuilt from scratch anyway. 


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Think it's firmware based. I tried doing the same thing with the official version on my rom, same error occurs (notification buttons greyed out) and other users say it works on official release of Poweramp and Nougat without any problems. Looks like I have to upgrade my phone to make it work.

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