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  1. I understand the logic, but simply 'hide' what's not available unless a full rescan is done. Same way display:none works in css
  2. I know this has probably been asked, but how do you not show Unmounted storage that has previously been scanned in the library without a full rescan each time. Should be able to pull out thumb drive and see only what's left on the device. I have all the autoscan features set, seems to make no difference.
  3. OK. It's weird that it has no explanation and that it doesn't gray out the next two options when toggled off.
  4. At the moment it seems to be behaving after disabling the default keep notification setting. Not sure why. But basically what happens is I open an audio book. Pause it with my headset while looking at the audio book app still active in front of me. Then press play on my headset again and it was starting PA where I left off from the background. Never had an audio app do that before. Also these three settings in the screenshot don't make sense to me. Do they all three belong together? Does the toggle turn the other two off? If so, why don't they gray out? If I'm misunderstanding I still don't understand what those options mean. Single press does what? I can choose one of the three options in each but it's not clear what I'm choosing to do with the options. Thanks for the quick support
  5. Facing the same issues. Have tried turning all that off and same result. I wish there were settings to choose to just act like any other audio app on resume, etc. I appreciate the output controls, but it seems playback is more complex than it needs to be.
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