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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by flyingdutchman

  1. @slizzap not sure why the display does not behave as it should. Did you try and use diferent albumart or even no albumart?.
  2. @slizzap either your embedded albumart is too big or your your scaling setting in yaps is set too high
  3. @slizzap as I indicated, your albumart is far too large. You cannot have a "side to side" display for a square graphic
  4. Best to set all to default. this may correct it. Better still, uninstall yaps, select the default Poweramp skin, then reinstall yaps
  5. @slizzap a skin does not affect the Poweramp version, so if you are on an older version it will not make a difference
  6. @slizzap I created a dimension configuration sw411dp-mdpi (smallest width 411 dpi, 160 density. In my virtual test device it looks like this: but with albumart enlarged you get this: so there is a maximum size limit for your albumart without affecting the layout
  7. @slizzap any chance for the bottom parts of the display? you should be able to scroll down
  8. @slizzap I would appreciate it if you could run my dimensions app and send me a screenshot of the result. Not sure if it will report on split mode dimensions though You can download it here http://www.theo.klinkweb.nl/poweramp_skin.html
  9. @MotleyG I am sure there must be a way. Android apps will detect the device dimensions and work out which dimensions to use. My app Yaps has many dimension definitions to manage layouts for different devices. For example, for a device with smallest width 380dpi xhdpi ( actual dimensions file name: sw380-xhdpi) <dimen name="yaps_TopWaveseekLayout_Maxheight">50dp</dimen> <dimen name="yaps_TopWaveseekLayout_margin_bottom">0dp</dimen> <dimen name="yaps_TopWaveseekLayout_margin_top">0dp</dimen> <dimen name="yaps_TopWaveseekLayout_margin_left">0dp</dimen> <dimen name="yaps_TopWaveseekLayout_margin_right">0dp</dimen> is used when defining <style name="TopWaveseek" parent="com.maxmpz.audioplayer:TopWaveseek"> <item name="com.maxmpz.audioplayer:layout_maxHeight">@dimen/yaps_TopWaveseekLayout_Maxheight</item> </style> below a screenshot of some of those dimension files. There are definitions for different resolutions, including landscape. For a split screen configuration there will be a similar definition. If this is a Samsung phone then this is model may be available in their test lab. If so then I can test how things behave
  10. @slizzap i would be interested to see the default Poweramp display I in addition, there are options to move the album/artist track name
  11. @slizzap i do not have a split screen to experiment but have you tried to reduce albumart size? As for overlapping elements, you can hide almost everything
  12. @Hammerhand ignoring all the stuff that the device produces and just picking out com.maxmpz.audioplayer, it appears some permissions are missing to access the document provider 09-20 09:07:05.604 E/AndroidRuntime(7168): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #1 ) 09-20 09:07:05.604 E/AndroidRuntime(7168): Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.externalstorage.ExternalStorageProvider from ProcessRecord{166c731 7168:com.android.documentsui/u0a186} (pid=7168, uid=10186) requires that you obtain access using ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT or related APIs 09-20 09:07:05.616 W/ActivityManager(3973): Force finishing activity com.maxmpz.audioplayer/com.maxmpz.widget.base.AlertDialogActivity
  13. @andrewilley @update.freak bpm is currently not available in the Poweramp media database so would need to be added to a table
  14. @andrewilley i sincerely doubt that this will work. The apk parsing error already tells you it is incompatible
  15. translation Hello! Already sent an email twice to Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com and to Poweramp.maxmpz+canned.response@gmail.com with a request to send an unblocker. The same automatic response comes back. None of the applications sent in the response letter could not be installed on my Android system, a message is displayed: "Error parsing the package." Probably because I use Android 4.4.4 and Poweramp3-alpha-build-704-uni in my radio. A later version of Android cannot be installed on my radio. Could you send a link to unlock this version? Before the system crashed, Poweramp3-alpha-build-704-uni on Android 4.4.4 worked without problems with the unlock downloaded from Google Play. I write letters from xor****@mail.ru The later versions of Poweramp will not work on Android 4.4.4, KITKAT
  16. @slizzap i do not think a skin can change behaviour. It can change layout, colours, visibility etc but a skin cannot affect how an app behaves.
  17. @christmw2503 there is a fre version but it has not been updated for a while. However, the paid version definitly supports times played. It gets handled at the same time you export/import ratings with my app..
  18. @slizzap on point 1, no, Poweramp supplies this text, there are many posts/ requests on separating the elements On point 2 You are probably correct, the field may well extend beyond the boundaries. I can verify this. Just had a look at setting an alpha value for the albumart artifact but this attribute is not available so it is not possible afaik.
  19. @slizzap i can investigate opaque levels with album blur. Put it on the todo list
  20. @slizzap it is possible to set an opaque background on the album artist and track fields. Alternatively check out my landscape car mode options, there is one similar to your preferred layout
  21. @Aaron Caldwell no, this screen should show changes each time you load it. The process runs in the background. Once you set it going, just leave it for a while,it will work through your music collection
  22. @Aaron Caldwell it will just work through all tracks and set the ratings to zero. You can check progress in Criteria, Ratings. This shows a breakdown of all of your ratings.
  23. @Aaron Caldwell no need, just select the option. It will zap every track to 0
  24. @Aaron Caldwell my app Music Playlist Manager has an option to zero all tracks
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