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nomedia files not taken into account

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I have read the forum about that and although the feature is in the to-do since 2011 I decided not to post in the features request forum but here (there was no forum named design flaw) . 

I am not happy with the replies given by the admins to several similar enquiries that Poweramp uses its own folder tree and is as simple as ticking a box... Well unless I am totally dumb there is one thing that cannot be done using that tree, that a .nomedia would do in a breeze :

It is excluding sub-folders without excluding the parent folder, which in my tree I have a lot for various reasons. 

For convenience say you have your Download folder which contains some tunes.  This folder contains a sub-folder that you wish to exclude ; un-ticking this sub-folder automatically un-ticks Download, hence you loose the tracks contained there too; as a comparison a Windows system would replace the tick of the parent folder by a partial tick, (you know that filled square box) instead of un-ticking it. 

What I thought would be a simple task gave me a headache, so please finally give the option to follow the standard android behavior 

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Unticking a subfolder seems to untick its parent only because not ALL of its subfolders are now selected (I guess there should be a 'partially selected' option, to show some but not all subfolders are in use). However all of the other subfolders in that top level folder can remain selected, so you can remove one subfolder from a tree without removing all the others.

I believe the reason for this is so that the ,nomedia flag can still be used to tell Android's media player not to add your Poweramp music collection to its own library too (which could result in duplicated entries).

Personally, I just store all of my music in folders within a single master 'MusicFolders' folder on the SD Card. That way anything in there is shown in PA, and anything not in there isn't.


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  • 2 years later...

I am also unhappy with the repeatedly given answers

Why  does Poweramp simply ignore the requests ?

Ticking and unticking is easy, but we may have more reasons to use the .nomedia file, specially if the structure is already in place and there are thousands of songs to be filtered out.


More options is always better than less options. And this one is probably easy to implement.


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Poweramp ignores .nomedia flag files by design, so you can still use them to stop Android from scanning the same music as Poweramp, thus doubling up the databases and scanning times. This is unlikely to change (especially in Poweramp v2, which is now a legacy product with no further development).


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46 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Poweramp ignores .nomedia flag files by design, so you can still use them to stop Android from scanning the same music as Poweramp, thus doubling up the databases and scanning times. This is unlikely to change (especially in Poweramp v2, which is now a legacy product with no further development).


Perhaps Max could add a .nopamp file, so that maybe if you want to exclude things from the library that way, you can, without digging in the menus?

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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

Poweramp ignores .nomedia flag files by design

We are aware of this design flaw. That is exactly our complaint


1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

This is unlikely to change

Then we have a problem


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Not sure how launching a separate file explorer app, navigating into each music folder that you want to exclude in turn, and manually creating .nopamp files in each folder is easier than using Settings > Library > Music Folders and unticking anything you don't want... But hey, I'll move this over to Feature Requests anyway (as this does not seem to be a Poweramp v2 related thread now) just in case Max decides to change the way the app works.


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2 minutes ago, LucasBS said:

We are aware of this design flaw. That is exactly our complaint

Then we have a problem

Poweramp does things a different way, and as I said that's how it is intended to work. If you really do have a problem with that, please feel free to try other options which may work better for your needs.


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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

Not sure how launching a separate file explorer app, navigating into each music folder that you want to exclude in turn, and manually creating .nopamp files in each folder is easier than using Settings > Library > Music Folders and unticking anything you don't want... But hey, I'll move this over to Feature Requests anyway (as this does not seem to be a Poweramp v2 related thread now) just in case Max decides to change the way the app works.


Maybe it would be useful for some more advanced users.  I don't think it'd be hard to implement and it wouldn't be easy to do by accident, so it could just kind of be there as a feature that may not be beneficial to a lot of people but the 1% that need it would be just a bit happier.

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