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Poweramp breaks other apps Bluetooth audio (major navigation and hands-free problem)

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A key feature of bluetooth audio is the ability for multiple apps to be able to output audio.  Such as when you have your music player stream via bluetooth, and a navigation app (like Google Maps)  speaking turn by turn directions.  As some folks have laws requiring hands free usage in cars, this is a significant Bluetooth bug.


In the recent past, about 2 months ago, this feature was broken by an upgrade to Poweramp I believe.  The issue started when I had Android 4.4.4.  I now have Android 5.1.1 and it persists.


Now when I use both Poweramp and Google Maps Navigation, The music will go silent but no sound is played by Google Maps Navigation.  Since this issue does not occur if you use any other media player, it is clear that the issue lies with Poweramp.



Device info:

Nexus 5

OS: 5.1.1 stock  (issue seen since 4.4.4 stock)

Bluetooth connection to car radio (stable since setup in December 2014)

Poweramp application installed and setup with bluetooth output  (any version released in the past couple of months, including the current as of June 18 2015)

Any navigation application that has the ability to output sound over bluetooth, such as Google Maps or Waze.



Poweramp prevents other apps from playing sound via Bluetooth audio.  This previously worked fine. (early 2015)


Workaround/ Temp Fix:

Do not use Poweramp as your music player.  Google Play Music and Amazon Music both work fine.



Test cases:



1.  Open Google Maps Navigation and configure to play audio via bluetooth

2.  Open Google Play Music and configure to play audio via bluetooth

3.  Play music via Google Play Music.

4.  Start navigation via Google Maps.

5.  Notice that audio successfully switches between the 2 apps, and you can hear audio from both apps successfully over bluetooth.




1.  Open Google Maps Navigation and configure to play audio via bluetooth

2.  Open Poweramp and configure to play audio via bluetooth

3.  Play music via Poweramp.

4.  Start navigation via Google Maps.

5.  Notice that audio fails to play the audio for the navigation app, instead you hear a gap in sound from the music player app. You cannot hear audio from both apps successfully over bluetooth.



Suspected issue:

Poweramp does not relinquish access for other apps to play sound.  Perhaps Poweramp forces the sound to be "nothing", instead of relinquishing control.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've forwarded this to the dev, but if you have already used the Get Support > Contact function within the app then that goes to the same place anyway.

Can you confirm which version of Poweramp this started occurring with? (There are multiple previous versions available in the sticky post at the top of the Common Talk forum)


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I just tested 571 and it appears broken. if there were versions back to about 565 I bet we would find a version that still worked.  It is possible it could go back further.  In the winter, I do not tend to travel too many places I need directions.  We have long painful winters.

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I'm now uncertain. both of those fail to work. so now I have to wonder if my issue is lollipop related. I will repeat that Google music doesn't have this issue, so the functionality is still possible, but could this be an api issue? or is there a setting known to cause issues like mine?

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I have had to resort to uninstalling Poweramp (along with the plus license unlocker) and using Amazon as my android mp3 player, along with google navigator.

There are too many entities involved with the interaction of apps that results in no audio driving instructions.

I have a droid Turbo (Motorola) with lollipop (Android O/S), using Poweramp up until lollipop broke it.

I will monitor this thread and when this is fixed so I can once again use my license, and get directions, I will return.

I ride a motorcycle with Bluetooth music and need reliable audio hands free guidance from time to time.

Good luck progressing with a fix!


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I just tested a Samsung Galaxy S5 on Lollipop 5.0 and it works fails with the latest Poweramp.   I think we should try to confirm that everyone affected has Android 5.1+.  My Nexus 5 is running 5.1.1 of course.


UPDATE:  I was wrong.  I forgot to come back here and update after 1 day later when I rechecked this.  It appears to be broken on Android 5+. 

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  • 11 months later...

Try using the new alpha-test release (see the Downloads tab above). Volume ducking for notifications is now supported, so Poweramp can reduce volume while another sound is played (e.g. navigation message) and then resume normal level afterwards.


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