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Album Art not displaying immediately [topic split from another thread]

Joey R

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3 hours ago, Fitzian said:

There are no issues with Poweramp pulling album artwork from the web with uni build 980. Pixel 7 Pro, Android 14.

My cellular connection with Verizon is quite literally dog***t, and it manages just fine.

With or without a VPN active, and with adguard private dns active.

Do you have a sample file which no album art can be found for?


There are no issues downloading the artwork. The issue is, the images are not displaying in the designated folder that receives them (Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/ selected_aa)in real time. The only way I can see them (then extract and embed them externally) is to close the app. and restart my phone each time. Then, magically they appear. This glitch occurred immediately after I licensed the app. It was not an issue with the trial version.

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Feel free to create another topic to elaborate, but all you suggested was that you immediately began having an issue (album art downloads) . (Could not assume further that it was an issue with app's data folder)

I myself don't have the web adb tools setup to enable viewing of that data folder on my device, so am unable to test this. Surely Max (developer) may on his end.

Also that [in] the end, [you] don't know what version or build [you're] running.

You can always find this in the about section in Poweramp, and in "about this app" on Android.

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My device has just been updated to Android 14, and I've just realised that Google <spit> have even further locked down Android folder access so you can't even manually grant access permission to Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/ any more, it just doesn't show in the permissions list. Previously Solid Explorer allowed me to browse it and manually manipulate the artwork for testing purposes. Especially annoying as you can still access the folders from Windows with a normal USB cable connection.

Just whose device do Google think it is anyway? In the name of MY privacy they won't allow me to see MY files. Trouble is, so many necessary apps break these days if you root the device (which is what I always used to do with my phone).  I suppose it prevents a malicious app from modifying other data files (but that would require explicit user permission anyway).


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However, getting back to the actual question... :)

I don't know why newly downloaded image files are not visible immediately in the Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/selected_aa/ folder, but I can confirm I see the same thing. Even doing a refresh on the folder contents (in Windows, via USB connection) does not make any newly downloaded cover files appear, I need to disconnect and reconnect the USB cable in order to see them. I have hidden items set to display, so it's not that.

It does not seem to be something that Poweramp is doing though, as clearly the files are present (as PA can display them, and reload them from the cache again if you change songs) but I don't know why Android is not providing immediate access as soon as a file has been created.


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3 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Just whose device do Google think it is anyway? In the name of MY privacy they won't allow me to see MY files. Trouble is, so many necessary apps break these days if you root the device (which is what I always used to do with my phone).  I suppose it prevents a malicious app from modifying other data files (but that would require explicit user permission anyway).


2 hours ago, andrewilley said:

It does not seem to be something that Poweramp is doing though, as clearly the files are present (as PA can display them, and reload them from the cache again if you change songs) but I don't know why Android is not providing immediate access as soon as a file has been created.


Google just wants to be like Apple sooo badly...

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I understand the application Sandbox thing as it protects the application data so other applications are not able to get to the data... buuuut... it causes a lot of other issues where you would want to share the data or be able to pick it with a file browser or what ever.

How about a "Configurable location for album art cache"?

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I suggested using Android/data/media, but there were other issues with that location I believe.

I think root /data/data should be sandboxed for just the creating app for secure storage, but anything in the user storage areas (such as Android/data/) should be accessible as long as the user has granted access permission.

As @MotleyG said, Google is now making all the user-hostile mistakes that Apple did - which is what put me off getting an iPhone in the first place. 


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Yeah we all sorta overlooked the export settings/data option. It doesn't require any rebooting or reconnecting shenanigans to work. Just select nothing but album art for the backup, export it, and rename the backup's file extension to .zip. OP can then manually embed the artwork on their own externally as desired.

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Exporting Settings/Data doesn't help the OP's requirement to access the cache folder 'live' via his own code as soon as he has downloaded new artwork, as he wants to push the found images into his audio files. I have no idea why Android (lower than 14) can't see the JPEG file in the cache folder as soon as it has been downloaded though.


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14 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Nothing about that screams "automated process", that having them in a folder generated by Poweramp's export utility would be unable to cope with. It sounds like, to me, once having them extracted (from Poweramp's cache), then adding it to the file tags with some external tool (mp3tag, etc).

Edited by Fitzian
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@Fitzian  The fact that the OP was asking for the files to be visible "in real time" as soon as a new cover image was downloaded seemed to imply to me that he wanted to directly process the images relatively quickly (why bother about the real time aspect otherwise?) but as you say it could always be done later as a subsequent batch task after Exporting Settings/Data, unpacking the relevant portion of the ZIP file, and then running some sort of batch process on the resulting copies.


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On 12/22/2023 at 7:33 PM, andrewilley said:

@Fitzian  The fact that the OP was asking for the files to be visible "in real time" as soon as a new cover image was downloaded seemed to imply to me that he wanted to directly process the images relatively quickly (why bother about the real time aspect otherwise?) but as you say it could always be done later as a subsequent batch task after Exporting Settings/Data, unpacking the relevant portion of the ZIP file, and then running some sort of batch process on the resulting copies.



That's correct. That is what my experience was when I ran the trial version of the app. Following an artwork download, I was able to grab one or more images, embed them using the PC and copy them back to the PA music folder. With thousands of songs and sporadic missing album art covers, I'm not aware of a filtering mechanism (other than visually scanning the entire song library) that would reveal a complete list of songs with missing artwork that could be addressed.

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@Joey R take a look at https://www.mp3tag.de/en/. mp3tag can scan your library on your PC and you can easily add the cover columns in the report.

  • Right click on the column header row
  • Customize columns
  • New
  • Value -> "Information Fields" and all the Cover fields are there

Then add your musik folder and it will fairly quickly scan through all your tracks and then you can sort on the columns and fix the tracks without covers or other issues.

Edit 1:

It's fairly easy to add images in mpp3tag. I usually take album covers from Apple Music nowadays using google image search.

  • Search for "Artist Album title Apple Music"
  • Click on the small image and it will open up on the right side of the screen
  • Right click on the image and do "copy image"
  • Right click the "image area" in mp3tag do a "Paste Image"
  • Save

Edit 2:

And you can do the same action to multiple traks in one go. Select all tracks of an album, paste the cover and save.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/22/2023 at 11:05 AM, andrewilley said:

My device has just been updated to Android 14, and I've just realised that Google <spit> have even further locked down Android folder access so you can't even manually grant access permission to Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/ any more.

A bit off-topic, but I've found that rolling back the system 'Files' app on my Galaxy A54/Android 14 (using Settings > Apps > 'Files' > Uninstall Updates) removes the Grant Access restrictions to the Android/data/subfolders hierarchy. You still need to grant permission for each app's overall folder individually (such as com.maxmpz.audioplayer in our case) but I can now access the cache folders again using Solid Explorer in Android 14.

This granted permission will apparently stick even if the Files app itself is later re-updated to a newer version - although you obviously won't then be able to grant access to further Android/data subfolders afterwards.


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  • 2 months later...
On 1/8/2024 at 10:04 AM, andrewilley said:

A bit off-topic, but I've found that rolling back the system 'Files' app on my Galaxy A54/Android 14 (using Settings > Apps > 'Files' > Uninstall Updates) removes the Grant Access restrictions to the Android/data/subfolders hierarchy.

It's now been properly broken again by some recent Google/Samsung Android 14 update. The workaround of rolling back the system Files app version no longer allows access to the subfolders in Android/Data/ via Solid Explorer. Grrrrr... :( 

Anyone else got any other bright ideas, apart from rooting or using USB cable access from a computer (which does still work) ?


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