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Some bugs (?) I've spoted on the new version.


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1) In the album it's not possible to search for album art from header menu. Doesn't show any results. But works from the artist header list. 

2) Navbar search button don't show results for songs with a numeric title. Example - if a song it's called "7" if I search for "7" no results is shown. 

3) Headers in playlists/lists are shown with hidden labels if I choose the dark built-in skin. The light skin is shown with labels (even I choose hidden labels in skin settings).


Hope I wasn't to confusing. 

Android 13 - Samsung A52s 

Edited by eddie_the_man
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1) Has already been reported, https://forum.powerampapp.com/topic/25543-poweramp-build-948-949/?do=findComment&comment=117719

2) You need to enter at least two characters before any search results are displayed. It's the same for alphabetic searches, so you couldn't for example search for the 1970s artist "M" (who released the single "Pop Muzik").

3) Not quite sure what you are describing, could you be a bit more specific about what labels in list headers you are referring to? Screenshot perhaps? 


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8 hours ago, andrewilley said:

1) Has already been reported, https://forum.powerampapp.com/topic/25543-Poweramp-build-948-949/?do=findComment&comment=117719

2) You need to enter at least two characters before any search results are displayed. It's the same for alphabetic searches, so you couldn't for example search for the 1970s artist "M" (who released the single "Pop Muzik").

3) Not quite sure what you are describing, could you be a bit more specific about what labels in list headers you are referring to? Screenshot perhaps? 


@andrewilley with light skin headers have labels with background... With dark skin it's transparent. Not sure if it's supposed to be like this.. but I would like to see transparent for both.



Edited by eddie_the_man
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