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I meant as a tag screens but I wouldn't mind it being an official category too

2 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Do you mean to display within the Info/Tag screens, or as a whole new library category?

There are some 90 or so tags defined in the ID3v2.3 spec, but there isn't one called 'Producer', although someone could have made their own an ad hoc TXXX tag extension.


I meant as an official tag screen but also as a category too so I could split producer artists like I do normal artists. Speaking of that, is there a possible way you could add a feature where it merges artists and composers together under one profile 🤔 so all their songs they are involved in whether it's "composing" or featuring is under one category 

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19 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

I'm still puzzled about where you are finding this 'Producer' tag, ID3 at least doesn't have one.


Oh no I mean I was requesting the Producer Tag as a feature

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