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Delete & prevent duplicate tracks.


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So do you have delete action missing or what? If so, please enable it in settings / Library / Lists / Delete Action. It's enabled by default, but it remembers its state from Poweramp v2 (and Google backups and restores settings), so it can be disabled for you.

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Thank you so much!  Problem solved!  Now let's work on creating at least 50 different queues.  With an option to save each one.  And also let's work on creating a button for each track separately.  A button that allows to play that track next.  And another to play another song after that.  And so on and so on.  This is completely different from queue options.  But thanks again for your speedy replies!

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51 minutes ago, DoctaSoul said:

Now let's work on creating at least 50 different queues.  With an option to save each one.  And also let's work on creating a button for each track separately.

What would be the difference between save-able queues and existing playlists as files ?

Only Playing one single track could perhaps be accomplished with a new repeat option.



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4 hours ago, DoctaSoul said:

Now let's work on creating at least 50 different queues.  With an option to save each one.

That's called a Playlist.

The queue is merely simple way to temporarily depart from your normal playback sequence in order to listen to an odd few tracks (or even whole albums) that you suddenly fancy, and then return you to normal playback afterwards. That is all it is intended to do. For anything more complex, please use Playlists.


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