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Fixed: Tiny "pop" after resume from pause


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Almost every time I resume playback after pausing, there is a single, tiny pop mixed into the music a split second after resuming. It's not very loud, but definitely present. This originally happened over a Bluetooth speaker, but I just tested for it over wired headphones and got the same result.

Oddly and specifically enough, the glitch often sounds more like a pop when pausing/resuming using controls on the BT speaker/headphones, but sounds more like a tiny skip when using PA's own pause/resume button.

I never noticed this glitch before recently turning off "Beep" in PA's Bluetooth settings, but after turning "Beep" back on, I can definitely still hear it (right AFTER the beep), so they don't seem related.

While writing this, I just noticed that the glitch is also present while manually seeking through a track (I'm using Static Seekbar).

Moto E4 Plus, Android 7.1.1, PA 801 & 802


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