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Audio Output

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My phone is16bit with a 96khz output but when I hook up the aux it changes to 48khz and when I change to Bluetooth it lowers even more to 44.1khz. I notice when I goto hi res output that 24bit users can change the khz to their liking but not us 16bit users and if you can I can't find it. I don't know much about audio related stuff but why can't I do this? It would be great if there was a option where I can use 16 bit and change the khz to my liking o.O I've been using this for atleast 3 years now can I get some help?

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At present in the current alpha-test release you can only select a given output frequency/bitrate, not adjust on the fly during playback. It's still experimental though, and may not work on all devices. Make sure you are using build 704 if you have a Nougat-based device.


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