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Play Songs in an Order through Subfolders


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I had no idea how to even put this thing I am thinking about in words for a topic, so obviously searching for a topic already existing about it was very difficult for me (so forgive me if this is already asked/solved).




I have an Audiobook. It has 21 CDs, so I have 21 Folders, where the files are I wish to listen through Poweramp App.


The question is, can I somehow tell Poweramp to move automatically from the last file in Folder 01 to the first file in Folder 02 as I keep listening?



Thanks in advance!

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Play your music in Folders mode, and set the 'Repeat' mode on the main player screen (bottom left of the album art area) to "Advance List". Make sure your folder sort ordering mode is set to sort by folder names/paths, and songs to "by filename", to ensure things play in the right sequence though.


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It can be a bit confusing in that just LOOKING at songs in a different view type does not change the playback mode, you need to actually play a song from that view type for the playback order to be changed.

You can also long-press on the song title within the player screen by the way to select Folder, Album or Artist modes.


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