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Playlists lost

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I wanted to add an old playlist in m3u8 format to Poweramp.

So I copied it to a folder, added it to music folders then tapped rescan.


When i went back to library, everything was gone !!!!


For some reason, when i selected the new folder he unselected the old folder !!

I lost all my playlist, since there was no musics in library !!!


I re-added the old folder but it was too late, all playlists are empty now !


PS: Pardon my bad english.

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I don't suppose you might have exported your other playlists (the internal Poweramp ones which were cleared) at any stage might you? If so you could re-import them. Or do you have a backup of the database (e.g. using an app such as Titanium Backup)


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Poweramp syncs playlists contents with the contents of the sdcard. If song file is moved, this is a new file for Poweramp, and old file looks like removed. Your system for some reason renames/moves such songs/song folders. I would recommend selecting exactly music folders in Poweramp Settings -> Folders and Library and hitting Full Rescan one in the same Settings category.


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