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How does Poweramp Equalizer tackle AutoEQ Graphic EQ text files?

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So I've been using Wavelett on Android for all my EQ needs all these years but have recently started using Poweramp Equalizer a bit for EQ as well because of the powerful parametric EQ functionality. 

Now, AutoEQ profiles are a big part of my listening experience. I've tried importing AutoEQ text files (with 127 band graphic EQ) into Poweramp and I've noticed this averages it down into 31 graphic EQ bands. My question is - does it actually average it down to 31 bands? Or does it actually internally apply all 127 bands and the 31 bands is just how it's graphically showing it to me for further graphical adjustment?

Parametric AutoEQ profiles are an option but I prefer graphic EQ because of fine grained control over target curves, hence why I've used Wavelett all this time. I couldn't find any posts or literature discussing this implementation so I thought I'd ask it here.

So, does Poweramp have proper full 127-band graphic EQ support ala EqualizerAPO/Wavelett or does it only support PEQ and 31 band graphic EQ?

P.S. Before you ask me why I don't use the built-in profiles in the app itself, I can't, because I make custom EQ profiles for my headphones, so I HAVE to import them. And the built-in profiles for headphones seem to be 31-band graphic EQ and PEQ options anyway.

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Poweramp's graphic equalizer offers from 5 up to a maximum of 32 bands, including customisable first and last frequency. The default, like most EQs, is 10 bands (ISO recommended setting).

You would probably be better defining 32 bands accurately, rather than trying to create 127 and having them averaged back down again which might not be what you want.


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3 hours ago, Sabreen said:

So, does Poweramp have proper full 127-band graphic EQ support ala EqualizerAPO/Wavelett or does it only support PEQ and 31 band graphic EQ?

What kind of correction does your headphone need that a 127 band (virtual) EQ need? A 31-band graphic EQ covers the audible range in 1/3 octave steps. Anything beyond this really requires a parametric EQ to be used instead, where more accurate control of the frequency and Q can be used to reduce the number of bands required.

An EQ isn't a crutch to replace bad tuning. Engineers spend upwards of hundreds or even thousands of hours tuning the most common ones. If your source or headphone is that far from your personal listening preference, it may be time to consider a different model or brand.

To each their own though I guess.

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