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Last.fm Love button and auto-DJ function


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Three requests.

1. A simple one I think: A button to rate the song as loved on Last.fm (as an option to replace star ratings).

2. One that's probably a lot more complex: Auto-DJ function. I really like the auto-dj function in Musicbee in combination with dynamic autoplaylists. Here's how it works:

I create several auto-playlists. The program searches for music which fits in certain conditions (e.g. Genre is Rock, or Playcount is 0, etc). Than I let the auto-DJ function select random songs from a selected auto-playlist. There are more options here which are also great but I won't go into them here. It would be great if Poweramp could switch to auto-DJ when a set playlist reaches the end.

3. Proper working Stereo X function on SGS2 (see bugs forum).

Poweramp is already the best music player but these things could make it a real killer.

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