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Popup Notification


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First off, Poweramp is the best music app HANDS DOWN on ANY platform.  I use WACUP (Winamp) on PC but, I would use Poweramp if there were a native way of doing so.

Anyhow, I have Poweramp running on my Amazon FireTV stick.  It is beautiful.  However, I am getting this popup notification (see attached image) when a song track changes.  I don't have a problem with this except that it doesn't show any information.  I would rather just turn it off.  I can't seem to figure out how to do so though.  Anyone point me to the setting to turn this off?  It doesn't show up on any of my android tablets or phones, just the Firestick.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Thank you for the reply.  There is no option to turn them off in Poweramp settings.  I will take a look, however, I'm pretty sure there is no option to do so in the FireTV stick setting either.

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