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  1. Many thanks for this - I wouldn't have found these for a long time. I changed a couple of the settings and the artists/album artists are now as I would have expected. I'm pretty sure I haven't touched these before so I don't know why they were set as they were...
  2. I've come across a weird artifact/bug concerning albums where different tracks on the album are performed by different artists and the Album Artist is a different name, say "Various Artists". If I access the album through the Album Artist category and then "Various Artists", all tracks (and the album itself, obviously) are displayed with their artist as "Various Artists", whereas if I access the same album through the Album category, the tracks now have the correct associated Artist against them; however, the Album Artist is not "Various Artists" but the Artist that happens to be assocaited with the first track (e.g. "The Definitive Burt Bacharach Songbook" is shown as being by Dusty Springfield because she performs "The Look Of Love" on track 1 - all tracks have the Album Artist tag set to "Various Artists"). My current version info is the following but the bug may have been present in previous versions without me noticing: Version Info ====================== Build: Poweramp build-911-arm64-play full verified cached Store: Play Unlocker: build-302 Arch: 64 Skin: ActivityTheme_Black Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T willow willow willow_eea [arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi] Installer: com.android.vending (26.7.16-21 [0] [PR] 390726529) Android: 10 xiaomi/willow_eea/willow:10/QKQ1.200114.002/V12.0.4.0.QCXEUXM:user/release-keys en_GB
  3. I have got the play count to work now by setting the Repeat mode to Advance Category as you suggested. However, the problem with all this is that the Play Count facility doesn't work "out of the box" as it were. I should be allowed to set the count threshold to 100% if I wish and for the track to be counted and I shouldn't need to fiddle with the Repeat mode to get the final track to be counted. Play counts work in all other players I have used without jumping through hoops - maybe a rethink is required for Poweramp and a bug report raised for this?
  4. I have been using queues to play albums as you have described for the last few weeks and it all works fine. However, the reason why I wanted to know how to play whole albums consecutively by other means was due to a comment by @andrewilley in another thread https://forum.powerampapp.com/topic/15919-confused-on-how-the-queue-feature-works/ In it he says, "No, that's not how the PA queue works, it is not really intended to be used as a regular listening mode (even if some users do use it that way)" (my italics). I think the problem is that lots of users would want to use the queue as the main method of listening to music (other than playlists, of course) to give a continuous stream of music. Maybe the queue should the regular listening mode rather than play every album in one's catalogue one after the other, which is the current default...
  5. Okay but my point is that I don't want to use a Queue - is there any way of playing one album after the other (continuously) without the use of queues or playlists? And what is the difference (at the album) between pressing the "Queue" button and the "Play Next" button? Does the "Play Next" button always play the selected album after the current track (whereas, as you've said above") the queueing behaviour can be changed)? To me the "Play Next" button, at the album category level, should really play the next album after the current category (i.e. current album) has finished.
  6. I don't know if I'm missing something obvious here but I cannot see how to start playing an album and then select another album to play after the first one without letting the initial one finish first. I can do this if I play the first album in its own queue (and then queue the second one after it) or play the first album in its own playlist (and then add the second album to that playlist) but these methods seem a bit clunky. If I select an album I can either Queue it or Play Next it but, as far as I can see, these do the same thing if I am already playing an album - play the second album after the current TRACK (not the current ALBUM) has finished. Can anyone suggest a solution please? I would be very grateful.
  7. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you but I tried what you suggested and it MOSTLY works... I found reducing the threshold to 90% (or 80%) does make the play count increase by one EXCEPT for the last track on an album (if I'm only playing that album) or on a playlist. Initially in both cases the play count is increased but the last play time is not. When any other track is played after that by any means, the play count on the track without a last play time reverts to zero. The exception is the last track in a queue (if the queue is started from scratch) and that is probably only because Poweramp then re-plays the last track played before the queue was started. If the track threshold is set to 100%, I still get the same result as previously (only the last track has its play count incremented) but I hadn't noticed that the last play time is not amended so I'm guessing that the count will be reset to zero when another track is subsequently played. As in the other bug I reported (lock screen notification info not being updated), my MIUI version is now V12.0.2.0.RCXEUXM Android 11 RKQ1.201004.002. For what it's worth, I think there are two problems here now: 1) Setting the count threshold to 100% doesn't work as it should and maybe shouldn't be allowed to be selected. 2) The last track played before Poweramp stops playing does not have its last play time updated and the play count is reverted to its previous value once another track is selected for play (if count threshold is less than 100%).
  8. I could do that but why allow 100% to be chosen if it causes problems like this. I'm not using crossfade (as far as I can tell!).
  9. I emailed from the app back in May about this bug but it doesn't appear to have been picked up properly. Since then counts are not being incremented for any tracks played as an album or in a queue EXCEPT the final track in a queue. I have set the Count As Played property to 100%. Is this a MIUI problem? The current version info is: Version Info ====================== Build: Poweramp build-911-arm64-play full verified cached Store: Play Unlocker: build-302 Arch: 64 Skin: ActivityTheme_Black Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T willow willow willow_eea [arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi] Installer: com.android.vending (26.7.16-21 [0] [PR] 390726529) Android: 10 xiaomi/willow_eea/willow:10/QKQ1.200114.002/V12.0.4.0.QCXEUXM:user/release-keys en_GB I had the same problem for the following version as well: Version Info ====================== Build: Poweramp build-905-arm64-play full verified cached Store: Play Unlocker: build-302 Arch: 64 Skin: ActivityTheme_Black Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T willow willow willow_eea [arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi] Installer: com.android.vending (25.3.17-21 [0] [PR] 372634721) Android: 10 xiaomi/willow_eea/willow:10/QKQ1.200114.002/V12.0.3.0.QCXEUXM:user/release-keys en_GB
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