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Advanced Equalizer


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The current equalizer in Poweramp is awesome, and offers more band control that Google Play Music (RIP), which I switched from. However, I think it would be really cool if in the settings there were an option to enable a more advanced eq like ReaEQ or the whiteLABEL TEN:Q.


whiteLABEL TEN Q.jpg

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@Bencherished Poweramp isn't bad, not at all. It's quite good. I really like it. But that doesn't mean it can't be improved upon. Also, those are eq plugins for Reaper, a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Those aren't mobile, nor were they built for mobile. They're VSTs. A phone would have no idea what to do with a VST file. I just got those photos by taking screenshots on my computer.

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@CaptainToes something like that (though simplified enough to be usable on mobile device) is planned for Poweramp and Poweramp Equalizer - the thing is called "parametric equalizer mode". In this mode it's possible to manually define each band frequency, type, and Q factor as well as gain, though in this mode built in presets won't work.

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@andrewilley Ah, yes, parametric eq! That was the term I was looking for. Colors look nice (though as you can see, ReaEQ doesn't have them), but I don't really care about that as long as the end result is functional and user friendly. Besides, Poweramp supports skin mods anyway, so if the default version didn't have vibrant colors or what have you, someone could always create a skin that does.

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@maxmp Very cool. Glad to hear it. Will there be support for adding and removing bands like in ReaEQ? Not essential as long as there are enough bands in the first place, but would be cool nonetheless. And do you know if presets with that mode will be developed at some point, or are they not a plan at all?

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