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How to use the Streams feature


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  • 2 weeks later...

First, you need to find the URLs (in the form "http://xxxxxx") of the Shoutcast or radio stream(s) that you want to use. Many radio stations publish these addresses publicly, or you can Google for various resources that exist online.

For example, my local UK BBC radio stations have the following URLs:


Then you have two choices:

  1. For single streams, just go to Library > Streams and use the three-dots menu to 'Add URL' and just paste in the text for the Streaming URL that you want to store.
  2. If you have a lot of streams that you'd like to see as a group, such as my BBC ones above, you can paste them as lines of plain text into a .M3U playlist file - mine is called BBC Radio Streams.m3u - and save that file somewhere that PA is allowed to scan for music - such as a Playlists folder in your device's music location for example. PA should pick it up automatically on its next rescan, or you can force it with Settings > Library > Rescan.

All of the URLs that you have created using either method can be seen and played from the Library > Streams category, or if you've made a playlist group then that can also be found in Library > Playlists.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all - I would rather use Poweamp over VLC, but seem to be having an issue with adding a stream. Would like to use an VBR .m3u stream. Such as this: https://ia802509.us.archive.org/34/items/gd1978-04-24.sbd.miller.97543.sbeok.flac16/gd1978-04-24.sbd.miller.97543.sbeok.flac16_vbr.m3u

In VLC I'm able to add the url then add a Playlist from the URL with individual tracks. Which works fine. However when I add the stream URL to Poweramp it only recognizes it as one track. Then if I try to create a playlist it's still only one track. And the stream won't start. I just receive a message that says failed to load if I hit play. 

Am I doing something wrong? If it helps I'm on Android 10. 

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! 


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3 hours ago, Jp_NH said:

Would like to use an VBR .m3u stream.

The URLs that you add to Poweramp need to be the actual streams rather than an online M3U index file which contains a list of streams.

So just download that M3U file directly to one of the music folders your device (wherever you store Playlists) and PA will the detected them new playlist on its next scan and the contents will be streamable from the Playlists category. Or add the URLs contained within that M3U file to PA one at a time if you only want some of them.

Note: PA does not collect metadata from online MP3 tracks (only from shoutcast style streams) so it will just play the music by filename without any tag info.


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  • 1 year later...

That is not a media stream url, it's a url for a web page which has a embedded player on the page that allows you to listen to the stream. What you need is the url of the actual stream, typically ends with something like .mp3, .aac,...

In some cases the URL can be found from the web page source code, in some cases it's well hidden and requires a lot of work to find it. In this case I didn't find anything but the commercial for radio12345. Maybe it's possible to dig out the url while the station is broadcasting.

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  • 1 month later...
7 minutes ago, Prasad Kasande said:

Hey devloper team of powerramp,

If the song or a MP3 file is uploaded on Google drive and if i want to play it directly like i am streaming that mp3 .how do I do that?

Plz reply 







See -> Frequently Requested Features Index

" · Library access to local sources (e.g. playback of songs from home DLNA or NAS servers, SMB/FTP access, etc).

· Library access to users' cloud sources (e.g. playing your music from Google Drive, Dropbox, or other online locations)."

These are pending requests, not currently something you can do with Poweramp.



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  • 8 months later...
  • 5 months later...
1 hour ago, TVBG199 said:

How do I even add like YouTube live streams is that possible for Poweramp latest full version??

You don't, sorry. First Poweramp does not play video content anyway, but also it is not intended for playing content directly from commercial platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Amazon Music, YouTube, etc.

You can however use the separate Poweramp Equalizer app to post-process the audio output from other audio apps though, including the apps provided by those services.


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