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Android 11 Update - Colorized Notifications


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So two parts to this, I updated to Android 11 yesterday on my One Plus 8 Pro

When I first opened it, it said it could not find any of my music folders. I had to go through and add them all again - but my Top Rated and Most Played all got deleted. Is there anyway to recover this? Or import them from my other phone? (I have a mobile device I use as a remote and it has most of the songs that I have on my primary device)

Secondly, the colorized notifications dont work. I tried to play around with the notification settings on Poweramp but they it still shows as grey unless I choose the album art then it will show the album art image.

I regret updating so bad, and may actually roll back but with my Top Rated and Most Played already reset there might not be any point =(

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You can't recover play counts as due to the Android file-system change you now have effectively scanned in a 'new' list of songs - which just happen to have the same names as your previous collection - but none of which have been played at all yet.

If you have another device on which you have created star or thumb ratings, there is a relatively new feature for saving Ratings into playlist entries, which will allow you to copy your ratings from the another device to your new Android 11 device (as long as the filenames and containing folder names match):

First, create an overarching playlist which contains your entire music collection: go to the 'All Songs' library category, choose 'Select' at the top of the list and tap 'All'. With every song selected, Tap '+ Playlist' and call it something like Everything. That playlist will be exported to a file, along with all your other Playlists, if you then do Settings > Library > Playlists > Export Poweramp Playlists.

When you set up your new device, make sure Settings > Library > Playlists > Import Ratings is enabled. Once all your songs have been scanned into the Library for the first time, copy all your saved playlists into a suitable location on the new device (somewhere that PA has been told it can scan) and it will find them automatically during the new scan and import the old ratings.

Notifications are usually best left on Auto for new Android versions, and they should look like the second of your two images, with both the background and the text colourised to fit with the artwork.


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Thanks Andre for the tops for importing the ratings - will give that a go tonight

My notifications are set on Auto however they look like the first of the two images. For what its worth though I tested spotifys notification and they have the same issue (grey instead of colorized) - although for Spotify the album art does show (for Poweramp it does not)

I tried contacting one plus support but they were useless, im guessing it might be a One Plus setting or "feature" if its not something other users are experiencing. 
I've left it at auto for now and will have to try and adjust I guess unless there's anything else you can think of? 

Thanks for the help - much appreciated. Moderators should have BTC tip addresses so I could show my appreciation monetarily :)

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By default it's colorized on my OP7P @ Android 10. Also it's colorized on Android 11 (I test Android 11 on Pixel2/4XL) I guess Restore Defaults in Settings / Look and Feel / Notification should fix that. I don't think there is a system setting for that (except may be system themes may break that, but for all apps).

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17 hours ago, maxmp said:

By default it's colorized on my OP7P @ Android 10. Also it's colorized on Android 11 (I test Android 11 on Pixel2/4XL) I guess Restore Defaults in Settings / Look and Feel / Notification should fix that. I don't think there is a system setting for that (except may be system themes may break that, but for all apps).

That worked. Thanks so much!! I should have probably tried that first. 

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hmm it seems to reset to grey whenever I connect to a new audio device (bluetooth or chromecast), however closing the app and reopening restores the colorized notifications. Not sure if this is an OS issue though but figured I would ask incase anyone else has the same issue then I know it might be one plus or device specific

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Okay it looks like the audio device is irrelevant. After some time the colorized notifications and album art stop working and it shows as just grey with no album art. 

If I restart my phone the colorized notification is back. 

Any idea what causes this?

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I have the same issue on a Pixel 4XL with android 11 and Poweramp v3-884, the media playback controls background are grey (doing Restore Defaults in Settings / Look and Feel / Notification didn't fix it) and sometimes the media controls disappear altogether even though Poweramp is still playing audio fine.

Non of these issues occur with spotify

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  • 7 months later...

Hi there, I'm having the same issue. After an unknown amount of time, the notification shows as just grey with no album art. Force shutting down the app or restarting the phone will fix it temporarily, but then I will get grey again. The notifications are on auto and I am on a OnePlus 7T with Android 11. Photos: http://imgur.com/gallery/gnqsVCb

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