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System UI crashes when switch track from the notification


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I got Android UI crashes when I tap on next track from the notification. No pb with in-app switching. No pb with screen-off gestures as well. 

Need to kill to the app (hard to do because of error looping) or wait next song to stop error loop. 

OnePlus 6 with Poweramp v3 build 865

Android 10 (OOS 10.3.4 non rooted ) 



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I have few OP devices (5t, 6, 7Pro) and I can't reproduce this issue, but I'll keep eye on it. If you can connect device to PC and capture all logcat logs during the crash this may help (but this may be hard unless you have some android sdk environment set on PC). Thanks!

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I have disabled cover upscaling and it seems te be stable now.

It was still enabled even after app reset, weird no? Maybe because of I'm part of beta realease in play store 

Edit : nope still crashes 

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I think Max was asking for system logcat data (which you can usually gather via a PC using the ADB resource even if your phone is not rooted) not data from with PA which probably gets lost when the app crashes. However I'll leave it up to Max to let you know if what you captured helps.


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@Netsab thanks for the logs. Crash is happening due to bitmaps recycled prior getting to statusbar. Poweramp indeed doesn't recycle images sent to status bar (notification) so something on your device does that. I would suspect 3rd party launcher (it seems to do some bubble related work with notifications on your device) or any other 3rd party notification/status bar app/utility.

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Answer from Smart Launcher

That's very strange, Smart Launcher actually does not recycle notifications pictures (why it should?). 

Are you using a custom lock screen?
For their defense, I tried to use an other media player (Musicolet, not bad but clearly less cool, I already miss PA so much), and no issues appear with notification, track skipping, no system UI crashes...
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@Netsab Poweramp is much more advanced in Android API usage than players mentioned, so we may hit some bug somewhere in the new ROM (though my OPs works fine) or 3rd party app. For example, Poweramp may push very hi-resolution album art to APIs. This is of course tested and works OK, but you may try to backup Poweramp settings and do a fresh install with all settings reset to defaults (ensure they are reset, as Google by default restores them from cloud).

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4 minutes ago, Netsab said:

OK but if I manually delete data in app manager, I don't think Google restore it again

I think you if uninstall/reinstall then Google tries to help by restoring your previous settings, but clearing App Data in your Android settings should not trigger a restore as far as I'm aware.


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