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Hide Unknown Artist label


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As said in the title. Similar to the already present Hide Unknown Album label option but for the Artist one.

I'm sure there's a considerable amount of users with untagged MP3 tracks and such they downloaded around. It looks kinda silly, specially when the artist's name is right on front of the file name.

Maybe not a bad idea to add a "guess artist name from filename" feature either (without touching the actual file, just for cosmetic reasons). I guess if you were to add this a simple pattern match would suffice, no?

Thanks in advance.

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  • 5 months later...
3 hours ago, loop said:

For some reason Unknown Artist appears for me even though all my music is tagged. I'd love for it to go away

Long-press on a song that shows up within that Unknown category and choose Info/tags and see what the embedded tag info shows. If that info seems correct, try Settings > Library > FULL Rescan.


  • 2 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, loop said:

there's no songs here

That's true. Should there be? Just looks like all your songs are tagged correctly so that folder is empty?

[Edit: Or are you saying there if there are no unknown songs, the 'Unknown Artist' entry should not be shown in the list at all, rather than showing with zero contents?] 


LOL, I just thought the same thing and was editing my reply while you were typing yours.

I agree, there doesn't seem to be a logical reason for it to be shown if it is empty. And at the very least, I've always felt the 'unknown' group should ideally be at the end of genuine lists anyway - it seems a bit random to be sorted under 'U' as if is were an actual artist name (which could just as easily be 'N' for Not Available, or 'M' for Missing).


The question wasn't about the song second-line display, it was about the 'Unknown Artist' group entry in the long list of Artists or Album Artists. If every file is full tagged, that item should not even appear in the list as it would have zero contents, which is what @loop was saying. My own additional suggestion was that it would also make sense for any 'no tag' element to always appear right at the end of a list (after Z) rather than that being sorted under 'U' as if there was a band called 'Unknown Artist' or an album called "Unknown Album" (which I bet there actually is somewhere out there :) ).



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