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[Solved] Hi-Res: stay on 48000 Hz after resume from pause on LG V30


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I start Poweramp with sampling rate 44100. Logcat shows that on Hi-Res output the sampling rate switches to android default 48000 Hz by pressing pause on the remote. It does not switch back to 44100 on resuming / play.

I think it should stay on 44100 or at least switch back to it.

Anybody else with this problem? Any hint to solve this?


Phone: LG V30; LG-H930; Rev.1.1

Android 9; Kernel 4.4.153

Poweramp: v3-build-853-arm64-play [853004-eab856f2]


Logcat output:

<<< log_count = 3 >>>
[12-22 10:37:33.087 712:18309 I/audio_hw_lge]
lge_get_max_samplerate_for_current_backend sample rate = 44100 backend = 6 mqa_enable = 0, active_mqa_offload = 0

[12-22 10:37:40.139 712:1585 I/audio_hw_lge]
lge_get_max_samplerate_for_current_backend sample rate = 48000 backend = 6 mqa_enable = 0, active_mqa_offload = 0

[12-22 10:37:43.400 712:1585 I/audio_hw_lge]
lge_get_max_samplerate_for_current_backend sample rate = 48000 backend = 6 mqa_enable = 0, active_mqa_offload = 0

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2 hours ago, maxmp said:


Ok, I found out that the option Headset/Bluetooth -> Beep leads to a beep sound each time pause/resume is pressed on my headset. By disabling this no change on sample rate is shown in logcat. Audio-Info shows the sampling rate still at 44100.

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