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[RESOLVED][Sony XA2 Ultra Lineage OS 17.1] No sound either from the speaker or headphones.


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There is no sound output from the speaker and wired headphones on the Lineage OS 17.1 (based on Android 10) on the Sony XA2 Ultra phone.
The Poweramp versions are used:  v3-build-866-uni and v3-build-853-uni

Please look at the logcat in the attachemnt.


Steps to reproduce:

1. Download and install Poweramp versions listed above from the https://forum.powerampapp.com/files/category/2-Poweramp-v3-latest-releases/ thread

2. Launch Poweramp and give access to directory with audio files (in my case mp3)

3. Press 'Play' button in Poweramp application.


Actual results:

There is no sound output either from speaker or connected headphones.

Expected result:

There is a sound output from the speaker or connected headphones.

UPD: The issue has been resolved by updating the DSP modem firmware to the latest version.
It is not Poweramp related problem.


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Not sure if this is an update install, or if your ROM has updated recently, but until Max has a chance to look at your log (it's better to send one from within PA by the way,  using Settings > Get Support > Send Log) could you try Settings > Audio > Output > Restore Defaults. Thanks.


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