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Detail Sound


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Poweramp already has "The Best" sound quality ever. Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Max Audio etc etc these are software audio fx and they sound average, flat and super boring.

Poweramp is the only music player on Earth which turns any headphones to a mini hi-fi shelf system.

Use the equaliser I'm sure you'll be satisfied

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18 hours ago, Prosenjit said:

Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Max Audio etc etc these are software audio fx

+1 If your phone has such function it should be available throgh the audio fx button.

19 hours ago, Neel4523 said:

a detail sound like Dolby atmos

It's a surround sound at first place, not the detail sound.

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Poweramp often bypasses a lot of the Android audio options (including bolt-on stuff added by manufacturers) to give a cleaner and more direct audio path. You could try turning off Poweramp's DVC (Direct Volume Control) feature as that give Android some of the processing control back.


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