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Please add a confirmation for dialogue for exiting the app


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I would like to press the back button and get taken to my library tab and if I press it again get a confirmation dialogue. This can be just an optional feature. I would at least like for it to take me to my library if I press the back button while playing a song instead of exiting the app. I keep on pressing it and exiting the app since I'm used to other music players.

I hope I explained myself well :)

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23 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

To be able to use the back key to get from the player screen to the library, Settings > Look and Feel > Start at Library.


I didn't know that!

I would still like a confirmation dialogue to close Poweramp (optionally)

for example it would say "Are you sure you want to exit Poweramp?" 

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1 hour ago, Musulungo said:

for example it would say "Are you sure you want to exit Poweramp?" 

Given that exiting Poweramp is non-destructive (music will keep playing, with Notification control available, just tap to restart the app interface) that seems perhaps a bit overkill. I have one or two apps (out of hundreds) that do this, and I can't say I find it especially useful.


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3 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Given that exiting Poweramp is non-destructive (music will keep playing, with Notification control available, just tap to restart the app interface) that seems perhaps a bit overkill. I have one or two apps (out of hundreds) that do this, and I can't say I find it especially useful.


I do find it helpful on apps in which I solely focus on. When I'm using Poweramp I'm only doing that and the exit dialogue helps me keep my mind clear on what I'm doing. That's why I think it should only be optional since you already pointed out there's a way to make the back button take you to your library. Besides I personally tend to press the back button multiple times on apps and it feels unorthodox for me to just press it once

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